@cor3zone "Dude, she was working with Yuu, until she helped sabotage their mission to go with the security modules to Brant. What is that but betrayal?"
Sabotage, in what way? She merely accepted to go with the combat modules, that neither stops nor prevents Yuu from proceeding with his quest, moreover the ocmbat modules didn't even stop Yuu from reaching Brant, rather it was Yuu who stopped of his own accord to help Gram and his crew, nothing would have happened to him if he proceeded with his quest while ignoring Gram, and well, nothing actually happened to him or his crew. Nazuna the bitch, she may have shot Asebi, but not a single combat module intereferred with his travels afterwards, if the betrayal actually happened Licorice would have sabotaged the ship, shot asebi herself and it would've become impossible for them to save Gram and his crew, but that never happened because there was no actual betrayal. To further illustrate my point, remember Licorice actually encouraged them to go to Brant even after the whole episode. Like I said there was no sabotage. If Nazuna hadn't been a bitch and shot Asebi of her own accord I doubt you guys would have even seen any problem with her leaving the ship.
"Then she actually shot, and possibly killed, the emperor of the faction she was working with now. Obvious betrayal."
SHE WAS NOT WORKING WITH THE MOTHERFREAKING EMPEROR. Serious guys she was never working with the emperor. She defended the emperor before because it's her freaking duty as a citizen, against what was then an unwarrated attack. Stop being meta and judging the situation by using information the characters have no access to.
Defending him them was not the same as belonging to his faction, she just fulfilled her duty as a citizen of the empire. Licorice belongs to her own faction, she was there as an individual, her whole journey has been about saving her family and friends, but now they were in danger because a man let his anger blind his judgement and has been targeting pretty much everyone regardless of culpability. Like I said if there's a culprit behind this whole arc, is Asebi's father for being a hypocrite and not killing the emperor and his supporters while he had a chance to do so(he literally held the emperor's life into his hands and did nothing). Asebi's sister said so with her own words, aknowledging her father's mistakes in the matter, and still choosing to support him because he and Asebi were te only people she had left. An understandable choice.
To illustrate this better:
Let us suppose President Trump had been colluding with a certain fictional terrorist group to bombard Russia. Said terrorist group had already bombarded a village which also took the lives of a certain scientist's family.
Said Scientist learns the truth and decides to plan the destruction of the white house by bombarding the place with dozens of nukes, which would affect most of Washington D.C. population.
You had travelled to Russia to visit a few relatives of yours who had been leaving there, only to find out that the village that was bombarded was pretty close to where your relatives lived. But reaching the area, you find the scientist, who them tells you that the president of your country was responsible for the destruction there. Would you side with the scientist and kill both the president and the entire population of Washington D.C. , or would you help defend the president and prevent the lauch of the missiles, even though you know that the president might have actually mudered your relatives?
Do you think that you would be supporting and siding with the president by stopping the scientist? It's the same situation as Licorice and her situation with both Asebi's father, and the emperor.