Thanks for the chapter!
Although unconventional and very grey in legality, the club certainly pulled a victory out of a hat. Although next time they do that should have Daisuke train a bit a few months in advance to go from 30 upwards in increments so his body can adapt and get used to it while decreasing chances of damage occurring due to too much stress and exertion.
@Kisato If he did that routinely he'd end up hospitalized, if not dead. One of the reasons why people only use a fraction of their power rather than 100% is so to prevent injury and have a reserve of energy for later. Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan explains how if someone used 100% of their energy for something there wouldn't be any energy left afterwards just for maintaining the body like breathing, pumping blood, etc. Also, even though the track club ran like he did they didn't collapse because they had trained their bodies to run long distances really fast for months or years and are in great shape. What Daisuke did was similar to suddenly doing a full split without practice or training. Hence he collapsed from exhaustion and likely suffered aches and pains from putting his muscles through extreme effort not used to. So if used hypnotism to run like that over and over he's more likely to tear or damage muscle or something and suffer extreme pain from extremely unhappy muscles before his body got used to it.