Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki-kun - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - That One Undereleveled Person in the Party Levels Up Super Fast

Jan 9, 2019
@Bakaman True and it looks exhausting, doing things you don't really want to. I mean she is always acting like a perfect person ( her ideal) maybe for them it's worth it cause I think they're only in highschool and maybe I'm old that's why I think differently
Jan 20, 2018
"i'm a bit conflicted about this manga. In way, what she is doing is positive to him, making him go out of his shell, faking until you make it and all that.... But I wonder if it is worth it to do things you actually don't want to, say things you actually don't believe in and act like someone you aren't just to please a group of people that otherwise wouldn't even know you exist. People that really matter to you would accept you as you are, I wouldn't like to live in a farse."

That's true, and in extremes it would be unhealthy to constantly follow the flow just to fit in.

However, it's also very useful life advice. Being able to navigate and accommodate other people's interests to make something work for a group (or in your favor) is a very useful skill. It's really relatively rare that the people you're with are going to either have the same interests or ignore our bad habits, like close friends, or family. Say if my coworkers want to go to a dive bar, I'm not just going to say "ew, that place is disgusting." That might make me look like a prude in their eyes and it'll be harder to work with them. Either I suggest somewhere else to go for the night, or I come up with some excuse to go do something else some other time. Learning which option will work in that scenario is part of 'reading the room' as mentioned in the chapter. If everyone has already decided on the dive bar, I give up an excuse to leave and say that we should check out insert_establishment_here instead on friday, since I can't change their minds on going right now. Alternatively, I head off the discussion before everyone decides to go to the dive bar, and steer them in the direction of somewhere quieter/less sleezy/has a better beer selection.
Feb 13, 2019
@Bakaman it doesn't seem like he's doing anything he fundamentally disagrees with. While the missions usually involved doing things he doesn't usually do (talk to girls, hold posture properly, speak clearly) he only outright said things he didn't believe in once (that he reads Michael Andy books) which he later walked back and cleared up. While it's true that it looks like he's "changing himself to be liked by other people" I think it's more like he's "changing himself to like himself more."

The series started with him full of self-loathing at being "trash" but as it has progressed (at a refreshingly rapid pace might I add) he's started to come closer to becoming a person he would respect/admite (e.g. like Hinami).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I'm still waiting for the gym arc
whatever it takes
leave humanity behind
Group Leader
Mar 8, 2018
And it's alive! Thanks for the chapter

Have read the LN like some other folks here (still waiting for my vol. 3 to arrive), found this arc to be really good, I enjoyed reading it so hopefully it'll be the same with the manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Her advices in this chapter are actually good and sound. IMO it's not just about just talking with people, it's also important professionally (assuming you get some kind of managerial or office job) to be able to follow and steer a conversation, as well as having people listening to your input. It's overall always useful to pick those kind of skills.
Apr 28, 2020
>"At this pace, the Anime will be catch up pretty soon when it aired."

Yup, YenPress releases even have surpassed the manga's raw already! lol
The latest chapter (20) just about to wrap up the current adaptation of volume 2 LN, which already published by YP back in November. If the mangaka takes a break again to prepare the adaptation of volume 3, it will probably take another year to complete volume 3.
Jun 4, 2019
Come on Tomozaki, you already have the cute library girl, don't go choosing the thot... But well, who am I tricking. Its that kind of story where the main heroine always wins.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
8 months. i don't even remember what i was doing 2 months ago let alone 8. holy cow.
Active member
Jun 9, 2019
@Bakaman ""i'm a bit conflicted about this manga. In way, what she is doing is positive to him, making him go out of his shell, faking until you make it and all that.... But I wonder if it is worth it to do things you actually don't want to, say things you actually don't believe in and act like someone you aren't just to please a group of people that otherwise wouldn't even know you exist. People that really matter to you would accept you as you are, I wouldn't like to live in a farse."

Actually, I agree with you and I had a similar concern. But this is actually addressed in Volume 3, and I have to say it was addressed in a splendid manner, such that I had no room for complaint left. Honestly I actually didn't like Volume 2 as well as Volume 1, but Volume 3 impressed me
Oct 20, 2018
@Bakaman I understand your point, but relationship works both way. You try to get along with others for them to try getting along with you, it's just fair. Doing nothing but wanting others to understand you is kind of arrogant, don't you think so?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
how gullible is this bozo? why would her boyfriend ask YOU to invite her
yadda yadda forced drama bosnia bazinga, i know i know, but still, the IQ on this lad.

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