I didn't liked the whole idea of Red Ogre-san regarding Angie's disposition to train, but it worked and was on the spot.
There's several people saying things like "he could've talked with her and bla bla", and they're right, actually I was thiking "he could've said something along the lines of:
- Angie please, take the train seriously.. I'm pretty worried about you and I won't be able to stay health/peacefully if you're not taking this seriously".
And Angie would probably, do her best to defeat his dad, coz we all know that she loves him like there's no tomorrow.
But that's our point of view as readers, Although papa-san knows Angie loves him, I'm pretty sure he can't grasp the level of love her daughter has for him, he just thinks she's a spoiled child.
It could've worked better if he just talked to her, but he was worried sick about her and that's why he went with that stupid idea imho.