Dou ka Ore wo Houtte Oitekure - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - There Are Only So Many Solutions a Loner Can Think of, Right?

Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Is it really so bad that some people like to be alone?
If you're a Wise Man or an Oracle, ok. If you're a teen with too much angst and not enough self-esteem to figure out you're Broken? No. But this manga is all about Angst and not doing anything positive about it.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
I agree with you, he is a pain in the ass. But also, he didn't decide for himself to go back in time, and in fact, iirc, he was just going to accept death since he felt like he wasn't really doing anything with his life anyway.

So if anything is going to change it would have to come from Hanamitsuji, since he already gave up on living since before the regression and clearly she's the one that caused them both to go back in time (somehow, for some reason).

She's just not been honest with him about anything up to this point, so there's been no progress.
That's like saying "It's not his fault he was born, it's his parents'". He's alive now and has to do something with his life, but he keeps going on and on with self destructive thought process that is nothing but annoying at this point. Even worse, that attitude influences negatively everyone around him and destroys even his family relations. The girl doesn't really matter in the equation, that would also be like saying "I can fix him"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Man... I'm glad nobody is playing a drinking game where you have to take a shot everytime he says loner or lone wolf.

Does he frequently say and describe himself that way in the light novels too?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
RIP MC, he doesn't have the courage or the experience to draw from to change. We're starting to see the seeds of growth though, so I dig that. I wonder if Sora spotted him by chance or if Mashiro texted her and she ditched her group to search for him. Probably the latter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
That's like saying "It's not his fault he was born, it's his parents'". He's alive now and has to do something with his life, but he keeps going on and on with self destructive thought process that is nothing but annoying at this point. Even worse, that attitude influences negatively everyone around him and destroys even his family relations. The girl doesn't really matter in the equation, that would also be like saying "I can fix him"
If that first sentence is how you interpereted what I said then you completely missed my point. I was saying that he has no inherent drive to improve himself, so in the context of his thought process the time travel itself doesn't matter, but to Hanamitsuji it does.

He didn't even regret the fact that he died, he thought that it was fine. You have to put yourself in the shoes of that kind of person; the kind of person who had already given up on making any kind of positive change, and doesn't even consider himself changing to be an option (as we see in this very chapter).

Also yes, the story literally is "I can fix him." That's been her whole M.O. this entire time (the other girls too so far actually, or at least class pres) and the obvious direction that this manga is going in. She's just been doing a poor job of it because she won't actually say anything that needs to be said to get that ball rolling.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Shesshh, I'm really digging into this kind of plot. My class (think it was 3 weeks ago) alienated one of my classmate for saying something weird but in truth it was just all a misunderstanding. After that day, majority of the class badmouths the said girl from time to time like making a joke from what she said at that day. I'm a loner myself so I kind of relate myself to him but I'm NOT that similar, I have some close friends even after changing college and I get along pretty well with my class I'm just shy at making friends (it took me 1-2 months to warm up with my current circle lol). Anyways, I'm excited to see what will happen next and anyone knows with vol/chap is this on the LN?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
the issue is not him liking to be alone, it's the fact that he experienced death and it had no impact on him like my guy has no regrets nothing at all which makes me question the point of going back in time plot if he's just gonna keep acting the same way as before .we saw in the first chap how he wasted his 3 years of highschool doing absolutely nothing of value and now he's just repeating it all over again
He didn't ask to be brought back; I'm pretty sure the manga made that abundantly clear already. He was fine with the way he lived; hell, he might have even enjoyed it.

But then the girl forcefully brought him back and then forcefully tried to change his lifestyle, the lifestyle that he had clearly stated that he wanted to live, and somehow he is the bad guy here?

This would be like if you live in a society where keeping a pet cat is seen as good and keeping a pet dog is seen as bad and you yourself make the conscious decision to keep a pet dog because you like dogs and have no problem with society talking badly about you, but then you die saving a girl and you are like, "Ok, I have no problem with dying." Then the girl brought you back. At this point, the fact that the girl brought you back can be ignored because you didn't mind being dead but also didn't mind being alive, so either is okay.

But then, because the girl wanted to repay you for saving her life, she decided to make your life better by helping you change your choice so that society wouldn't view you as bad anymore, the choice of which is whether to keep a pet dog or a pet cat. She said that the dog that you have been keeping as a pet is bad, and you had to get rid of it and adopt a cat instead. And every time you said that you don't want to get rid of the dog and replace it with a cat, she gets sad and angry, saying that your choice is wrong and you have to change it, and all while this happens, people from outside of the circle, which is the representative of us, the reader, also say that you're an annoying pain in the ass, and your choice of holding onto the dog that you have lived with for many years is cringy, and you should have just listened to the girl.

Do you see the problem now?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
I feel like I'd relate to him more as a fellow loner if he...actually enjoyed being alone. When I go off on my own I'm having a blast. Enjoying the scenery, listening to music, learning about the history of the art and monuments I stumble upon. This guy just whines about how painful it is to be excluded. Clearly he's an amateur at the art of idgaf.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2023
I'll give it one more chapter because it seems like FMC is about to give him the talking to he needs, but if he keeps this bullshit up after she gives him this earful, I'm seriously done.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Ngl I don't like any sides on this. On one side we have the mc that in this life tries to be alone to not ruin his surroundings (different to the previous life where he was alone cause he tried to not be alone but failed), and in the other side we have the girls that looks like they're saying that you can't enjoy life if you're alone and try to force this view into the mc.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Hinamitsuji and MC are about to become the "date" topic of the class.
Oh I forgot, Hinamitsuji is a year younger.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2020
He didn't ask to be brought back; I'm pretty sure the manga made that abundantly clear already. He was fine with the way he lived; hell, he might have even enjoyed it.

But then the girl forcefully brought him back and then forcefully tried to change his lifestyle, the lifestyle that he had clearly stated that he wanted to live, and somehow he is the bad guy here?

This would be like if you live in a society where keeping a pet cat is seen as good and keeping a pet dog is seen as bad and you yourself make the conscious decision to keep a pet dog because you like dogs and have no problem with society talking badly about you, but then you die saving a girl and you are like, "Ok, I have no problem with dying." Then the girl brought you back. At this point, the fact that the girl brought you back can be ignored because you didn't mind being dead but also didn't mind being alive, so either is okay.

But then, because the girl wanted to repay you for saving her life, she decided to make your life better by helping you change your choice so that society wouldn't view you as bad anymore, the choice of which is whether to keep a pet dog or a pet cat. She said that the dog that you have been keeping as a pet is bad, and you had to get rid of it and adopt a cat instead. And every time you said that you don't want to get rid of the dog and replace it with a cat, she gets sad and angry, saying that your choice is wrong and you have to change it, and all while this happens, people from outside of the circle, which is the representative of us, the reader, also say that you're an annoying pain in the ass, and your choice of holding onto the dog that you have lived with for many years is cringy, and you should have just listened to the girl.

Do you see the problem now?
Yeah. I think the issue here is that the FMC is right in the sense that every human being will become sad if they're truly alone. And she is trying to "save" her saviour just as he had saved her. That's why I assume a lot of the people here in the comments hate on the MC as he doesn't seem to "get it". And he should "get it" because he already somewhat "gets it" but keeps reverting to his cringey loner behaviour.

But the MC is not in the wrong here either. Most of his class thinks he's a creep and he doesn't want to ruin anyone else's school life simply by them being associated with him. And as far as I can tell, the things both the class prez and the FMC force the MC to do is simply not to his liking. He's an awkward fellow with asocial issues so of course being thrown into a very extravert-like group activity will make things hard for him. How can he enjoy his time with his classmates/groupies if it's too tiring to act as a social butterfly when you aren't naturally one thus thwarting any enjoyment that you could've had?

Though the MC is still awkward as heck - there's no denying that. But so are most real people. Some have more social experience, others are better at hiding it. But every human has his own emotions and views and being forced to change his lifestyle is not the best approach. But that doesn't mean that the girls who are trying to help him are in the wrong either. It's that their way of helping is aimed more towards more extraverted people and not such introverts like our male MC.

What our MC needs is not to be on friendly terms with his whole class. What he needs is a few good friends. But (if I remember things correctly) the girls are too hell-bent on having him make a lot of new friends and many happy memories with everyone in class instead of, you know, just being friends with him and accept him for who he is. He would gradually open up to be less asocial and naturally surround himself with good friends he made himself. But as far as I can see they aren't content by simply being his friends, they also want to "fix" him.

I'm repeating myself, but the girls aren't in the wrong here for trying to "fix" the MC, nor the MC is wrong for remaining the way he is. The girls are trying to help him in what they believe to be the right way. And the MC is trying to protect the girls in what he believes to be the best way. Their world-views are just different.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Yeah. I think the issue here is that the FMC is right in the sense that every human being will become sad if they're truly alone. And she is trying to "save" her saviour just as he had saved her. That's why I assume a lot of the people here in the comments hate on the MC as he doesn't seem to "get it". And he should "get it" because he already somewhat "gets it" but keeps reverting to his cringey loner behaviour.

But the MC is not in the wrong here either. Most of his class thinks he's a creep and he doesn't want to ruin anyone else's school life simply by them being associated with him. And as far as I can tell, the things both the class prez and the FMC force the MC to do is simply not to his liking. He's an awkward fellow with asocial issues so of course being thrown into a very extravert-like group activity will make things hard for him. How can he enjoy his time with his classmates/groupies if it's too tiring to act as a social butterfly when you aren't naturally one thus thwarting any enjoyment that you could've had?

Though the MC is still awkward as heck - there's no denying that. But so are most real people. Some have more social experience, others are better at hiding it. But every human has his own emotions and views and being forced to change his lifestyle is not the best approach. But that doesn't mean that the girls who are trying to help him are in the wrong either. It's that their way of helping is aimed more towards more extraverted people and not such introverts like our male MC.

What our MC needs is not to be on friendly terms with his whole class. What he needs is a few good friends. But (if I remember things correctly) the girls are too hell-bent on having him make a lot of new friends and many happy memories with everyone in class instead of, you know, just being friends with him and accept him for who he is. He would gradually open up to be less asocial and naturally surround himself with good friends he made himself. But as far as I can see they aren't content by simply being his friends, they also want to "fix" him.

I'm repeating myself, but the girls aren't in the wrong here for trying to "fix" the MC, nor the MC is wrong for remaining the way he is. The girls are trying to help him in what they believe to be the right way. And the MC is trying to protect the girls in what he believes to be the best way. Their world-views are just different.
finally a decent take. MC knows deep down that being social and having friends is good, but the thing is he doesn't have a good enough reason that outweighs all the effort required to change + the excuses his brain gives. He's also stuck since the situation doesn't allow for him to act out otherwise someone else will get hurt. So even if he wanted to change, he can't find any ways that will work so he reaches the conclusion that not doing anything is the only thing he can do, else burn himself trying.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2023
my ultimate move: Not going on the trip at all, keeping the money, and buying a ton of games on steam.
1. no need for social stuff
2. games
3. ????
4. profit
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
Dont really understand what you mean, what I meant is he doesn't want to meat her he goes where she can find him easily he gets found therefore you reap what you sow

dont know where that came from lol
that response is in the top worst reply to people in suffering. it's gonna translate to 'go kill yourself' or 'all your suffering happened because of your fault'. Basically only bad reaction that that people would react depends on her mental state. If he disagree with you there is 2 outcome : if he is strong he would angry at you, if he is weak he couldn't function to the society (can be a NEET because he gave up all hope). If he agree with you, he would go more harsher way to self-harm himself. Isolating himself is already a form of self-harm. Next if he can't find something precious to him to destroy, he would hurting himself with bad habit, physical injury, or the worst one is suicide or homicide.

this kind of people (that have this mental illness) is indeed a pain in the ass. Never expect a normal easy solution would work for him. Even if it's actually a workable solution to most other people. He never treat himself as someone normal so that every logic if he can't agree with that would fly away through his mindset. It's super sensitive situation. Just don't ever saying a word that would agitate him to go punish himself

That second paragraph what I mean it usually people would treat this as fantasy. Never exist and never relatable. It's actually so realistic it's itchy. there is a chance there is people who read this manga that currently been suffering the same mindset.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
Trapped in sorrow? The only person who can change his story is himself. Don't gaslight because the MC is written as Broken. Apologists everywhere sheesh...
nah your logic would not even be heard to him. You never met people with this kind of mental illness aren't you? Be glad though. I really wish you never ever meet your precious someone go into this mindset

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