At this point, it really only serves as an unnecessary ego boost for men & to reaffirm classic negative biases about female autonomy & independence.
Dear god you're thick/delusional/brainwashed, women and men are not equal to tell them that they are would be akin to telling a short fat guy that they'll be as great a basketballer as Michael Jordan.
Women actively seek strong men (not necessarily physically strong) it's part of their evolved behavioural pattern it's literally coded in their dna, so the fantasy of them displaying traditional female characteristics of caring or modestness and being rescued by a hero is probably speaking to the heart of their psychology, and if we look at real life men are generally attracted to these classical motherly traits, they have evolved to be more attracted to potentially good mothers for their children because the ones who weren't predisposed to find good mothers to care for their genes simply died out.
Cliches become cliche for a reason, if a certain story type is popular with a certain group it generally has some truth behind it.
oh dear, I should have recognised your mental illness sooner