Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru

Jun 27, 2018

That's because the typical "Isekai" genre (if that even exists) is a parody of European life during the medieval times, spiced up with fantasy elements (usually monsters & magic) and Hindu-religion (all the things about Rebirth and pseudo-karma).

If you want to slip away from that parody you need to employ the revenge-route since human "growth" is heavily influenced by the adversaries he has to overcome in order to grow. That holds true for your typical adventure novel (e.g. Jules Vernes stories or Shakespeares plays about "Macbeth" or "Hamlet") as well as world literature for children (Cuore, Les Miserables, Anne of Green Gables, Heidi,etc.) where people have to overcome other evil-minded people to grow and flourish.

However, to be more realistic, people who have come into contact with and suffered from exposure to mentally ill psychopaths as in this story have to become evil themselves to overcome their own disgust and fear towards them.
If you think these MCs are sick or crazy bastards,think again. They are reflecting what they've been exposed to, the sinister and cruel mindset of the people around them who betrayed their trust.

If you still believe there is another way to portray the MC with a mindset in the middle you seem to be indoctrinated by all these globalist idiots who spew their Socialist propaganda all over the world through the mass media like Facebook,Twitter,CNN,The Newyork Times,etc...
With a high chance your media is also infected, and if you use Facebook/Twitter/Google+/Instagram/etc or watch TV, you are already brainwashed into believing that people are all equal and have a nice mindset that doesn't get corrupted no matter what you do to them or what they've been through.

Forget what they've indoctrinated you into thinking is the truth.
If you want a no-personality MC that thinks being abused is fine and caves in to empty "morals/ethics" in the new world that are held up to protect the aristocrats, there can no longer be a good story unfolding.

It will turn into the same type of $#!+ like "In another world with my Smartphone" which is just an empty shell to sexualize teenage girls.

These types of stories are the worst kind that empty your soul so the author can grab some quick $$$ from you in exchange for a few clothed women instead of having to draw them naked to make good "eye candy".

Isekai only lives if it understands/supports its initial purpose as a parody (e.g. Konosuba) or becomes its anti-thesis of a gory,horror-laden story that delves into the human psyche and explores the betrayal&revenge theme.
Sep 4, 2018
i read the words isekai and typical. Let me tell you about my research. My first theory is that there are several types of typical in this genre but there are 2 main genres, the normal isekai, and the isekai that tries too much to look like it's different from the normal isekai. (we all know the best isekai series are the ones that try not to be like a regular isekai, you know, Slime and konozuba are good examples)
Let's call the isekai that tries not to be normal, the Good Isekai, for practical reasons.
Now the normal isekai has 2 subgenre: * The isekai model, you could see this model only in Good Isekai, when the protagonist talk about their expectation of a isekai story. Party, hero, fame and demon lord bashing. I personally havent watch any True Normal Isekai in all these yearss.
The second Subtrope of a normal isekai is, the Harem Isekai. I dont really think i should explain this.

Now the good part, the Good Isekai has several subtropes that are noted based on how the story settles itself. Lets rush this:
There is the:
*I'm a girl and for some reason im in a goddamn game and im either the villain or the henchmen of a villain in a love story. This one is annoying because i only know 2 series that pull this off in a entertaining and original way, when the others are carbon copies of each other. It's also sad because its one of the little kind of isekai that has a female protagonist.

*The imma make a village with my knowledge/overpower cheat. This one tends to be almost always entertaining, specially if you are into every single detail of an evolving story. This doesnt work if its like that farmer nobiri isekai where each episode seems like they rush everything only leaving the development of the town,
and just put a huge 39284 woman harem mating with mc, because why the hell not.

*The i used to be a great hero with amazing companions and then they all betrayed me so i either, reincarnated, again or went back in time with almost all my powers or more in order to make incredibly satisfying revenge. i've seen like 4 of these with the same formula, just like the others

Then there are smaller tropes like *I'm actually a monster. *I'm not really powerfull due some cheat so everybody is dissapointed but i find a way to be badass anyways. *everybody is an asshole (yeah i consider this a smaller subtrope because a "real isekai" is supposed to be all escapism and stuff)

It's like 4 am in the morning so i dont really care if im right or wrong, i'll end this with, A trully good isekai combines At least 2 or 3 of these tropes.
Slime has village making and monster-kun; the risingn of the shield hero has the *not really powerfull at first *everybody is an asshole *and a little bit of revenge.
Of course, there are the almost completly original isekai, which are almost always, if not simply always, really really good.
Aggregator gang
Oct 9, 2018
Jesus the description, too sharp, I'm bleeding.

Jk I enjoy revenge story, and this one is pretty promising. Thank you Kirei Cake, please don't drop this.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
I am not one for most isekai stories, much less The Avenger like this one, but the art is beautiful...and familiar.
>Artist drew some BL
Oh, no wonder.
Added to reading list just for the art.
Aggregator gang
Mar 8, 2018
So far seem more like an edgy and half-assed parody than an actual story.
Active member
Jun 20, 2018
Why is it that each chapter is only a couple of pages and it takes so freaking long to update?
Aug 12, 2018
I dont mind the wait, but is this actually how the author chopped up the chapters? If it isn't, i would prefer that you finish the whole chapter and upload that. In any case, thank you for your hard work c:
Apr 25, 2018
Not about this manga but about the most, dont know whats their autors definition of god is, but ok...
Jan 21, 2018
Oh joy another "Edgelord" warped face revenge manga... let me guess next up he violates the princess and then tosses her into the crowd to be violated to death with the threat that if they don't he'll kill everyone present?
Jan 25, 2018
while i enjoy the revenge scenario, this doesn't offer any surplus plot yet. i hope they don't just add random extra revenge targets but some actual plot. maybe some god with backbone safes the princess, so our MC has to go out of his way to find her again, or something.
Jan 18, 2018

I Agree, the way things are going ain't too bad in itself . but if he's just going to fulfill his revenge like that there's nothing to keep of what little plot there is so far going.

Hoping for an interesting turn as well, a godly intervention doesn't sound too far off . Maybe other gods 'seal' him again.
Let's see how this turns out.

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