You give too much credit to Japanese authors trying to write about quasi-Western civilizations.mistaken translation or silly mangaka? Easter. It sounds like Easter, not Halloween.
Giving children candy is not something I associate with Eastermistaken translation or silly mangaka? Easter. It sounds like Easter, not Halloween.
U think they can afford a new logo with all the begging theyve been doing the past year or sowhy does lh still have re:monster in their logo, they dropped it years ago
I don't think they uploaded the entire chapter. This chapter is 62.1, so there must be this series but... is kinda annoyed how short the chapters can be once in while.
Everyone knows that when you commission a piece of artwork, you have to use it as much as possiblewhy does lh still have re:monster in their logo, they dropped it years ago
still better than no chapterI don't think they uploaded the entire chapter. This chapter is 62.1, so there must be 62.2.
Celebration of Spring sure, but it's literally dressing up in costume, and flower-for-treat-ing instead of trick-or-treat-ingmistaken translation or silly mangaka? Easter. It sounds like Easter, not Halloween.