worked as a slave in a skillorb mine until 10 years old
lets not examine why or how skills are ores, that i count under authors penship freedom
he worked until 10 years old as a slave in a mine... that so forced the author should have pulled multiple muscles just writing the description (even foxhole duty requires it older)
but author said there be a shota so there is just like he parted lark and the mc...
which shouldnt have worked...
why because lark is that weird mix of an experienced mature adult (behaviour manners) in a childs body with a childsmind (decisions thought process)
if she was a slave and thus grew up fast it should be the other way around since the first part relies on knowledge ie being taught the later relies on experience ie seeing and experiencing hell on earth
also the stunt the mc pulled on the old lady is sus...
and i wonder how in the society shown that Gramps could have survived this far...
beating unneeded slaves to death is how the system works because slaves have understandably inherent low motivation so they execute the unneeded ones publicly to keep the work efficiency up (roman history 1o1)
but well might get better
and while i have read it (the manga) i only used what was in the description so this shouldnt be a spoiler... if it tells you things that arent in the description than thats because you already passed the spot it refered to...