Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku - Vol. 4 Ch. 38 - Why Am I Being Left Out?

Jan 22, 2018
lol... Wipes out the orcs easily himself and they are still scared for him cause his low ass affinity. Dude is strong then all of them.
Double-page supporter
Jun 29, 2018
Hey guys, Whats this Affinity item he is looking for? affinity to what?
Dec 28, 2019
If I understood correctly its an item so that he can party with people and/or level up faster.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
Both of those statements are not healthy, what are you talking about? The latter is an indication of having low self-esteem and that's not healthy at all.
Active member
Nov 21, 2019
Man can these assholes stop telling the mc what to do reading this manga is infuriating
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

One of the items he didn't get to buy was a ring that would make him popular with the ladies. He can't buy it now because he's actually completely destroyed the local economy, so he can't make any more money selling monster stones to the guild (they're broke thanks to Haruka), weapons to the blacksmith (he's broke thanks to Haruka), etc. At the same time, for emergency measures, the class president has confiscated his money and gave him a 50,000 local-money a day allowance. Which is still a stupid amount of money, but it's not the "spend 8 million bucks in a day on random dungeon loot" level he did initially.

He wants to find one of those rings, because he thinks the girls in his class hate him. So he decided to run around trying to find one. Except, first off, he accidentally ran into an Orc army (and killed them 1 at a time over the course of like 12 hours), and second, he has no idea where in a dungeon he'd need to look to get one of those rings.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@siscon No, it's healthy to not be too full of yourself was the point I meant to go for there. This kid is going well beyond just that, though. I apologize if I wasn't clear enough about that, but honestly I write most of these comments at "half-asleep o'clock" and revise them multiple times along the way... I'm really not any good at revising things to be more concise and brief, I often remove a sentence and forget to fix the gap made by it because I didn't notice it started sounding wonky elsewhere. Usually, if anyone bothers to bring that to my attention at all it's been goddamn months or something and I don't even remember what I was talking about, but you hit me pretty soon after I commented. Lemme see if I can fix it since it's currently not "half-asleep o'clock" right now and this chapter is still fresh enough in mind to remember what I was talking about.
Rather than that classic but potentially devastating misconception of "They're talking to me an awful lot, could they be interested in me?" he's been leaning more towards "She's just talking to me at all because she's the class rep and I'm a loner." Which is a healthy mindset to take in comparison to the other take, never be so full of yourself that you think any and every interaction with someone is more than it might be. However, in this case he's only about half right and he's gone so far in the other direction that it's just as much of a problem. She is the very responsible class rep type of person, but she also does clearly hold special attention toward him specifically... he just has his blinders on toward that, like a self defense mechanism.
Is that any better?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
Yeah, I pretty much agree with that.
I can see he really has a problem with self-esteem even before getting transferred to the other world. So no wonder he really has no problems with getting shit skills and takes them as granted of how he deserves that. Hopefully, his low self-esteem can be fixed or at least minimalized, but I can't see the class rep is the one who will do that. I guess a new heroine will come?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@siscon I dunno, my original impression of this series was that it'd be something similar to stuff like Shield Hero or Word Master in some ways. A number of series like those two had the multiple people isekai'd at once thing going on, and the main characters would go off on their own for whatever reason. All their important personal interactions that were positive would pretty much be with people who were from the world they got sent to. But, 38 chapters in it's been long enough that I'm not sure about that anymore. Recent "boss fight" being over with might've been the last opportunity for that to really happen, but he seems stuck with the rest of the class for now still despite the siren call to go be a hermit in his cave.

I suppose if any of the classmates have a shot at sticking with him by themselves, it's class rep. If not I could see that being the typical "reunited at a later date" sort of thing. As for natives, there was that daughter of the city lord. She seemed like she might be able to drag him into some sort of trouble. Maybe bodyguard work while she takes a carriage out somewhere again, kind of like the opposite of how they met and he guarded her on the way home.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@Duck_ they do that beacuse they care about him. They think he is being reckless
They don't know he has a skill that make shis levels take forever to acchieve but vastly increase his gains each level up. Making him far stronger than what his level shows.
Apr 4, 2020
I'm so frustrated why doesn't he say that in other to use his skills he has to be alone then just leave in his hermit cave and live the way he wants.
Active member
Oct 16, 2020
MC wanting a ring that makes people like him more so they let him leave and do dangerous nonsense, when the reason they don't want him to leave and do dangerous nonsense is because they like him.
Nov 2, 2020
Im so confused, why do they get all scared for him because its "dangerous" but lets count his achievements (only the ones that other people know about): fought like 70 enemies to protect the girls all single handedly and let without a scratch, killed like 20-30 wolves all in one shot, defeated tanaka who literally destroyed 12 really powerful classmates, and then the most recent one, he obliterated the orc army and came back without a scratch. But yet they are like "Oh that was too dangerous you shouldnt do that" Like waht???? he literally does shit that none of them can do and has shown all of them that he is way stronger than them, but yet they act like they need to protect him? Is it because of his low level, which is only because of the author's brilliant idea to make his level increase by 1 for each 100000000 enemies he kills?
Dec 24, 2020
Affinity here can be like points in a relationship. More affinity better relationship: friends to lover, student to apprentice.
I have low affinity with fire since I use water and ice.

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