Hope You're Happy, Lemon

Dex-chan lover
Jun 6, 2023
A manga with a mature take on a sensitive topic is getting called trash. Kekw. The whole cucked concept is not the point, the point is to move on from a horrible breakup. The desire to be with the jolly-good and heart-healing girl is going to give the MC a goal of sorts. The regretful (and somewhat braindead) ex is gonna be the main obstacle to that goal, which in my opinion is interesting, especially once it was revealed that she lied about it (in the most nuclear way possible). The body swap scenario will force them to be as interactive as possible, which will let them come to terms with their relationship, and how they plan on moving forward. It's not trash at all, if you look under the surface some intricacies say a lot about what the writer is trying to convey. It's not about the cuck-or-get-cucked, it's about the get-over-it-and-move-on-with-your-life.
The body swap is the worst part of it and why its going to be shit.
up to that point I was ok with how things are going.
But i really starting to hate simp weebs, like you.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 6, 2023
These certain kinds of people are known to lack any sense of self-awareness. What's funnier is that these people are probably the same ones complaining about the declining quality of recent mangas.
YES, 'people' like you.
Feb 25, 2023
I feel like this manga is getting reviewed bombed by certain kinds of people. It's got a pretty solid, if already done premise and the comedic timing is pretty good. By all accounts, this should be gravitating towards the "average" of an 8.0 that most manga on the site will end up within 0.1 or 0.2 points of (usually upwards). That this is nearly 0.4 points below that despite being significantly better than plenty of others sitting at or near 8.0 is baffling.

This frequently happens to any manga prominently featuring a female character that so much as dares not being a pure, pristine cardboard cut out. Any sort of negative complexity (you know, something that actually gives character or texture to someone) in women just draws out the worst from some people here. They're so afraid of women having flaws or making mistakes or doing something wrong. Just look at all the comments here that only focus on hating Lemon (a character who otherwise seems very nice and outgoing and even admits to herself that she made a mistake) and you'll see what I mean.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a 10/10 by any means, but it's WAY better than a 7.66 (which is where it's at at the time of this post). Really only posting because I'm fuming at the thought of how many GOOD manga likely end up buried because some people hate on one character (typically a woman) then bomb the manga's rating to way lower than it should be.
I think it's wrong to bring gender here because trashes are trash whether its female or male. You can go ahead and check out rent a girlfriend, domestic girlfriend etc. They are called trash because of the premise not because of gender. There are also masterpieces based on female protagonist like the one where the female protag of a manga got millions of years of memories, I don't remember the name but it's praised by everyone because of it's plot not because whether it's male or female based. So yeah! you just sound like a biased person who only sees things from a single perspective.
Double-page supporter
Aug 19, 2020
This will be fun 😆

It's obvious that she did not do that(cheat with 3 boys), she just said that to him to make him break up with her for some reason

And she chose to be the vilain so that he can move on without thinking of her maybe? but that stupid

But they were around 15 anyway so they can did something stupid
Feb 4, 2018
My guess : She did that extrememy bad lie, not just because she had to move away but because she had a huge health problem, who could kill her if she didn't go to a special hospital for a while.
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2020
I don't think it's a wonder some people don't like this series. It's a weird move by the author to position the main heroine as someone who would tell a very cruel lie to get out of a relationship with someone she loved and still does, only to expect the reader to have some sympathy her as the MC tries to move on with his life. The author deliberatly made her starting position an uphill battle where she is the only one to blame.

At this point it doesn't even matter why she lied.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
Looks like it could end being a decent take on a somewhat tired trope, and though the initial twist wasn't exactly hard to predict, I wonder if this one's going to do anything special to stand out. I like the group dynamic, and I especially like the slightly sketchy but still clear and sufficiently cartoony art style.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2023
My expectations as low as it gets, just hope the development doesn't goes towards rental gf
Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2023
Wow I read most of comment and said negative thing. Rental GF shittiness left big scar on em I guess
Apr 5, 2023
might not be, she didnt cheat on him though, also nice to see they pussied out in naming this in english, I understand why they didnt use the original title but still...
Something like "Best Of Luck You Fucking Slut" would have an EN market. A niche one to be sure, but a market.
Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2023
I think it's wrong to bring gender here because trashes are trash whether its female or male. You can go ahead and check out rent a girlfriend, domestic girlfriend etc. They are called trash because of the premise not because of gender. There are also masterpieces based on female protagonist like the one where the female protag of a manga got millions of years of memories, I don't remember the name but it's praised by everyone because of it's plot not because whether it's male or female based. So yeah! you just sound like a biased person who only sees things from a single perspective.
I never said manga are only ever considered poor because of negative perceptions of women by men; trash can be trash for a lot of reasons and I'm not calling that into question.

THIS manga, however, is NOT trash and that's the point I'm making. It's so poorly rated for no discernable reason within just the context of the manga itself. I've observed this as a trend in other solid manga that are similarly lowly rated (often moreso poorly) for no discernable reason. The traits they predominantly share are that 1) they are romance-centric, 2) the/one of the female lead(s) makes a/several controversial decisions (that are intentionally written to be controversial; it is the authorial intent that yes, she made not the greatest decisions), and 3) the comments for those manga are massive dumpster fires of dudes hating on those female characters.

When very little else is common between multiples pieces of work save for those factors, yeah, it paints a pretty ugly picture of the community's take on women who are written to have flaws (when, really, 90+% of characters SHOULD have flaws; that's how you write good characters).

When it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and has a driver's license with the name Dr. Duckles Ducksworth Duckington III, Esq... It's very likely to be a duck and I'm going to call ducks as I see them because I hate ducks.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Are we suppose to feel sympathy for the blond? There is not a single excuse in the world to justify that retarded lie and ruin a guys emotional growth which is still causing him to have nightmares TO THIS DAY. She needs to promtly fuck off or at least help the guy to get with his crush.

But it won't happen and she will win as we all know.
Double-page supporter
Jan 12, 2023
I said to myself "no gonna read the comments for this one, this manga has 'that' topic, it's going to be infested in it, ignoring all the other qualities it has"

Glad I was wrong, there are the typical "she bad, how she could she" but there are others that at least are willing to give it a try. Nice.

For me, this manga in general, there are two big camps one could be at this point of the story (ch7), MC ditches completely Lemon, goes with the other girl and she accepts it and moves on... Very typical, and if done bad, boring. The other and the one I want to see how would be done, Lemon redeems herself, maybe she told the lie for some dumb reason in the heat of the moment, she sees how much hurt made MC and really tries to show him that everything would be better moving onwards.

As a side note, I don't understand what people want Lemon to do, it's clear she likes him and wants to at least get him know that she isn't like before. She accepts the huge error she made, and she wants to get better with him, the only fault she has in this moment of the story? Not telling MC that it was a lie... But let's be honest, at that point of the story, if she said something, MC would shrug it off as "she just want to get together with me again", shooting off all her intent of prove that she isn't how she was when they were together.

Maybe I'm biased because I like Lemon design? Maybe, but I'm willing to give this one a fair read even without it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
As a side note, I don't understand what people want Lemon to do...
First of all, she can start thinking about how the other side of her supposed affection feels. If she did, first think she would have done was explaning herself. But she didn't even remember WHY and most importantly HOW they broken up in the first place (and according to this chapter, it was because some rando asked her to so that her friend can have a shot at the MC?). I hope she skips that part while explaning the lie (if ever) considering it just makes it way worse. They were ALREADY dating and she broke up with him because some other girl asked her to. What a blunder. She also straight up guilt trip him this chapter to go along with her yet another pushover moment. She looks changed indeed.
Jun 28, 2023
Idk why everyone is judging this so harshly so quickly. This has an interesting premise that could be used to be trashy (but still entertaining) or could be good. I think the plot hooks could be stronger, but the mystery of why they are swapping bodies and why Lemon lied to the MC are pretty interesting. That's why I'm glad that someone is scanlating this and I hope that they keep up the good work.
I just don't like the premise, MC have a girlfriend who also like him back, and the only reason the story itself exist is to break that, and make the MC stuck in a limbo between his ex and his current life.
No matter what drama or misunderstanding it may reveal later, It just not a good opening, rather it just made me hate the MC for even act like that around an ex that told you, she cheated on you like it no big deal.
Every chapter is gonna be a pain to read trying to reach a solution to a problem that wouldn't have happen if they just move on. MC already had a new girlfriend, he should move on and the story will be complete in a few chapter of them resolving their misunderstanding. But as a manga, it gonna have to go a long route, so it just a story that feel you with pain to read.

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