Hoshino, Me o Tsubutte

Apr 30, 2019
I'm really sick of this shitty /a/ meme that the mangaka got mad that this didn't get adapted and decided to tank the ending out of spite, it's the dumbest shit imaginable. There's a difference between being upset with the way a story ends up, and fabricating rumors in an attempt to justify your feelings.
Double-page supporter
Jan 27, 2018
And there it was dropped again, i guess? ;/ #FeelsBadMan... Can someone plz finish it? ;___;
Jan 15, 2020
My enjoyment of this series is tempered by my indecision as to whether I dislike the male MC more or the female MC more.
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
Where are people getting that the author purposefully torched his series due to no anime
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
I've only read translations of the last couple of end chapters, so I don't know the whole progress, but I don't think that the end is so malicious as people think. Main reason male MC ditched both Hoshino and gyaru girl is because they were interested in him for the wrong reason (Hoshino because he did make up on her, and gyaru girl because he was a long lost friend). Those two were able to change their attitude against the world, but male MC didn't, he still had the same attitude and got to square one again. But during the last couple of pages, he starts to make contact with other people, and then is when his story begins I guess.
Tl;dr: Ending is probably not as bad as people think.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@kn4ll I think the main problem is that the love from both girls are not even wrong like yeah I think her love is wrong cause she talked to me when we first met
and a long the way of our friendship she fell in love with me after getting to know me more like wtf.

Like for him they shouldn’t interact not even once before falling in love ?
Apr 3, 2018
If you think they only like him cause he did make-up or was some childhood friend that's a shame. Cause it turns the first (good) half of the manga into bad slapstick comedy and nothing else.

The whole point of the story is (which gets rubbed onto people quite a bit tbh) that he is self-loathing, hence the double meaning of the title, closing her eyes for the make-up and closing her eyes to his "awful" self. This is DIRECTLY said by her at some point, that she'd accept him even if he can't accept himself, no matter how ugly he thinks he is.
Moving to spoilers now...
The whole manga, it was about him losing this loathing and finally learning to accept his own self, connecting with others, etc.
The ending completely contradicts EVERYTHING that was built towards. The MC just said fuck it, and cut all ties. FOR NO REASON. The issue people have with this isn't that they don't end up together or that there was some kind of twist at the end. But what the author pulled out of nowhere went against EVERYTHING that happened until this point. It's not that something bad happens so only the ending is bad, it taints everything and makes every little achievement along the way pointless.

Imagine if you watched Lord of the Rings, the whole trilogy, and right when Frodo and Sam reach mount doom, they find out they can simply dissolve the ring in the water they have left and it's done. Sauron and army defeated. It's insulting to your audience.
Jun 10, 2019
finally after month and month trying to avoid this manga again, i try to search for that legendary last chapter spoiler. yep fuck this shit while i get invested up to the point where mc and main heroine get together now everything become a naught now
Nov 10, 2019
Man I hate how manga like these drop good characers but the mc always ends up with the one in the cover
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
Me, everytime a new chapter comes out thinking it's gonna be THAT chapter:
Dec 7, 2019
I wanna see this to the end, please keep getting translated. I know the ending is shitty but I must finish this.

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