I fail to see how "please don't" could be interpreted as "yes" in this situation.
She's not saying "please don't", she's saying "please don't tempt me anymore" at a point in time when the only things he's done are
exist and
be candid about his feelings. He is in straight
seiza up to the point she says that.
That's not even getting into what "please don't" is supposed to be translated from. The original text-- again, this is being said while Shou is unflinchingly in
seiza, hands still on his thighs-- is:
This translates to, roughly, "Shou... -kun/Pl-plea...plea...se/More than this... Se--/Don't te.....tempt Sensei...". You can clean up her completely annihilated resolve to render the line "Shou-kun, don't tempt Sensei any more than this...". I didn't have to dig up the Japanese for that page (and I resent going as far as to make a Twitter account to get access to this page), but there we are.
Again, she's this cooked while Shou has done nothing but
exist and
say words. Should he have
left after she said that? Was he supposed to stop talking? Two chapters ago, she had an internal monologue about her all-but-obliterated resolve, and her desire to have Shou. But I'm supposed to read this, here, as "oh, she's saying no-- if Shou does any more than this, it's rape"?
I'm not socially inept. I know people are capable of spontaneously having mutually desired sexual contact without anybody registering it as sexual assault at any point after.
I've been there. Sometimes, you don't need requests for sexual contact notarized in triplicate. You shouldn't expectantly assume a "mood in the air", because you
could just be projecting-- but it's absolutely possible that the both of you are chomping at the bit for sexual contact.
Physical reactions have nothing to do with it
I'd accept this if we were talking about a hypothetical person having an orgasm while in the middle of being raped.
However, we are talking about a woman who has failed to fight her burgeoning desire for a man (to the point that she's already admitted to herself to wanting to have him), being artistically depicted as getting a shock straight from her head, to her chest, and to her groin/ovaries, after that man did nothing but profess his desire for her to be his first-- and presumably, only-- woman.
That didn't involve any physical stimulation-- her reaction is her registering his words and being impressed by them on a psychological
and physical level. Thus that shock coming from her brain and hitting her heart and groin/ovaries.
EDIT: I accidentally typed "tease" instead of "tempt".