I Can’t Date My Student… Can I? - Ch. 8.1

Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
My G thats not how consent works, Thats the same thing as saying girls using tiny skirts are giving you consent because through--
What in the hell are--

Girls wearing clothing in public isn't even remotely analogous to two parties, with mutual history, in a private room, becoming visibly and mutually uncontrollably sexually aroused on account of the other.

What are we even talking about? The only thing she said prior to the kiss was "please don't tempt me anymore". Tempt him how? By existing? By speaking candidly about his feelings?

Two chapters ago, she was talking about how he's like a cake being flaunted in front of her that she wants a piece of but keeps holding herself back from on account of a nebulous "they".

She's spent this entire story trying to displace and deflect from her enamourment through these rationalizations she quickly burned through-- this chapter was the last gasp of that.

"But she didn't cons--" Look at her. Listen to her. She got a shock straight from her brain, to her chest, to her ovaries.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me accuse people of jumping chapters just so they can talk on the most current thing. Straight up absorbing the narrative like sheet metal soaking up water in a desert.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2018
What the fuck was that chapter? Like 1st half had some nice explanation and I was almost sure that MC would see that he's the same as that girl, only for it to follow up with wanking confession, Sensei having sudden ovaries tingles and guy basically assaulting her, what the fuck.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
Sensei: "please don't tempt me anymore". :lewd:
Shou: "Bet." :chad:

What the fuck was that chapter?

It was a bit all over the place, but normal conversations in real life tend to be to.
  • I was a bit angry at Sensei for making his cry for help "all about her". And not being a supportive listener, even if she disagreed with it. Clearly written by a female author... unfamiliar with how guys work.

  • Then, the good part, she talked about how it felt for women in a similar situation. Which actually felt proper, adult like, and correct. So again, clearly written from a female author's unique POV.

  • Then.... we get into the territory where I can't tell where is manga and where is reality. There's the whole deal with consent, but honestly, Sensei doesn't deserve happiness if she keeps acting like this. It feels drawn out for manga drama's sake. Like we'll get 50 chapters of 13.1 13.2 13.3.... etc.
Honestly, I'd like to see them simply hook up at this point and let that post-hookup embarrassment be the driving force for the relationship drama. Not this refusal to acknowledge her own feelings.

Sensei acts and feels like a survivor of domestic abuse with some sort of DSM personality disorder rejecting relationships. (Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), Sexual aversion disorder (SAD)) (Maybe that's the point.) Whereas, per current cultural standards and norms, (maybe Showa era, or before that,) Shou appears as a dedicated suitor.
  • Maybe current Reiwa psychological diagnosis would put him as slightly broken for not having relationship early -- with someone his age -- and parenting children to support the country.

  • Also, I'm half tempted to blackpill / anarchist / agitprop and start loudly SJW-calling her a "pedo". If that were true, my own grandparents were criminals. And my entire maternal side of the family shouldn't have been born... all 5+ grandparent siblings with 19__s-era mortality bringing down to 3.
My point is: people need to stop soapboxing about morals of their timeframe and mindframe. As they are moving goalposts that change over time, based on whatever political elite determines suits them at the time. (In WWII era, Russia offered stipends to mothers and medals to women who bore 10+ children for the motherland. "Mother Heroine" (link).) And willingly subscribing to that propaganda, without critical thought about context -- as what is happening to Sensei and Shou here -- gets to me.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2020
Holy peak, this is amazing.
Went off on a bit of a philosophical tangent at the beginning, but I’m glad the author knows what we’re all here for :meguusmug:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
I fail to see how "please don't" could be interpreted as "yes" in this situation.
She's not saying "please don't", she's saying "please don't tempt me anymore" at a point in time when the only things he's done are exist and be candid about his feelings. He is in straight seiza up to the point she says that.

That's not even getting into what "please don't" is supposed to be translated from. The original text-- again, this is being said while Shou is unflinchingly in seiza, hands still on his thighs-- is:


This translates to, roughly, "Shou... -kun/Pl-plea...plea...se/More than this... Se--/Don't te.....tempt Sensei...". You can clean up her completely annihilated resolve to render the line "Shou-kun, don't tempt Sensei any more than this...". I didn't have to dig up the Japanese for that page (and I resent going as far as to make a Twitter account to get access to this page), but there we are.

Again, she's this cooked while Shou has done nothing but exist and say words. Should he have left after she said that? Was he supposed to stop talking? Two chapters ago, she had an internal monologue about her all-but-obliterated resolve, and her desire to have Shou. But I'm supposed to read this, here, as "oh, she's saying no-- if Shou does any more than this, it's rape"?


I'm not socially inept. I know people are capable of spontaneously having mutually desired sexual contact without anybody registering it as sexual assault at any point after. I've been there. Sometimes, you don't need requests for sexual contact notarized in triplicate. You shouldn't expectantly assume a "mood in the air", because you could just be projecting-- but it's absolutely possible that the both of you are chomping at the bit for sexual contact.

Physical reactions have nothing to do with it
I'd accept this if we were talking about a hypothetical person having an orgasm while in the middle of being raped.

However, we are talking about a woman who has failed to fight her burgeoning desire for a man (to the point that she's already admitted to herself to wanting to have him), being artistically depicted as getting a shock straight from her head, to her chest, and to her groin/ovaries, after that man did nothing but profess his desire for her to be his first-- and presumably, only-- woman.

That didn't involve any physical stimulation-- her reaction is her registering his words and being impressed by them on a psychological and physical level. Thus that shock coming from her brain and hitting her heart and groin/ovaries.

EDIT: I accidentally typed "tease" instead of "tempt".
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I’ve been debating this with myself for a while, but does this classify as grooming? The kid had feeling all on his own and she had a proper response to it. The only thing she didn’t account for was bro sticking to those feelings.

Anyway, holy peak.
You just answered your question. If she never intentionally did anything then it's not grooming.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
Sensei-- who is only capable of deflecting, rather than rejecting Shou-- has a noticeably burgeoning romantic and sexual interest in him that she can barely suppress in their interactions (and has all but given up suppressing in her privacy). Like, look at her body language on the penpenultimate and penultimate pages of this chapter. Look at her verbal language. Tell me that's the same as what happened with Shou, with a straight face and pants not on fire.
(This is just a joke...)

That's the same as what happened with Shou. This IS my straight face and I'm not wearing pants.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
She could literally be dripping "juice" onto the floor into a puddle and still not be giving consent.
Outside of an overwrought PSA, why do you think an author would venture to indicate something as hyperbolic as that to the reader without it being meant as an indication of sexual desire that would be appropriate for the other party to act on?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2023
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
Sometimes, you don't need requests for sexual contact notarized in triplicate.
There are actually people in this thread who believe this. That actually think they need signed forms before having sexual contact. Either because they were indoctrinated that way, or out of fear of reprisal.

But don't take my word for it. Just look at the replacement fertility birth rates / single individuals of childbearing age / age of first marriage demographics.
We're really going to have to fix this sort of runaway self-destructive cultural activism, or else open up migration. Countries existences are literally hinging on it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
Outside of an overwrought PSA, why do you think an author would venture to indicate something as hyperbolic as that to the reader without it being meant as an indication of sexual desire that would be appropriate for the other party to act on?
To show her internal "moral" vs "physiological" conflict (based on what SHE considers "wrong"). In this same chapter she already told him that his erection was a physiological reaction that he didn't have control over. Here she is feeling a VERY strong attraction to him but IN HER BELIEF it would be immoral for her to accept him.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
To show her internal "moral" vs "physiological" conflict (based on what SHE considers "wrong").
Hyperbolic depictions of sexual arousal like massive electric shocks from the head to the crotch and making puddles of vaginal lubricant where you sit, are in absolutely no way meant to indicate a "moral vs physiological conflict". They are meant to aggressively emphasize the severity of a state of sexual arousal in a manner that is sensually overwhelming and borderline comedic for the reader, nearly to the exclusion of anything else on account of them being exaggerative.

To illustrate further: Shou inadvertenly pitching a tent after Fujieda flashed him is conducive to illustrating the conflict you speak of. If all 19 inches of Shou's wiener ripped out from his pants at Mach 2, it would cease to be that.

In this same chapter she already told him that his erection was a physiological reaction that he didn't have control over.
Shou doesn't have any kind of romantic affection for Fujieda, who flashed him. Sensei already admitted to wanting to have Shou two chapters ago, and is now reacting to some words Shou said.

These are not even in the same ballpark of premise.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
Hyperbolic depictions of sexual arousal like massive electric shocks from the head to the crotch and making puddles of vaginal lubricant where you sit, are in absolutely no way meant to indicate a "moral vs physiological conflict". They are meant to aggressively emphasize the severity of a state of sexual arousal in a manner that is sensually overwhelming and borderline comedic for the reader, nearly to the exclusion of anything else on account of said emphasis.

Shou doesn't have any kind of romantic affection for Fujieda, who flashed herself at him. Sensei already admitted to wanting to have Shou two chapters ago, and is now reacting to some words Shou said.

These are not even in the same ballpark of premise.
You asked for a reason that the author might have put this into the manga if not to indicate that MC should make a move on FMC and I gave you one. We can disagree about if that was the intent all you want.

I don't want to continue a meaningless flame war so let's just say you won.

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