I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2020
God i don't like this development so much. Too tasteless and hit too close for comfort.

I hope we'll get over this part quickly.
Jan 23, 2018
such a lovely drama

now just beat the mc, tie him up, rape the girl and make this into classic ntr

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@Quaesitio In other comment sections, I have laid it out much better, but he shows all the signs of Anti-Social Personality Disorder. (I'll post some links below, but he hits all the marks) It includes sociopathy/psychopathy. I won't explain it in more detail here for sake of brevity, but you can find my reasons in the threads for the last few chapters, where I have included relevant in-text ciations for his behavior to demonstrate my point. From all the characterization we have, I think it's the most likely explanation for his behavior.


Whether he's genuinely seeking consent or not is kinda hard to tell, especially because we're dealing with a translation which may change the phrasing or wordings with the connotations as to what he's saying. For instance, he asks if she doesn't like and says it's okay if she viscerally doesn't like, but that he at least doesn't want her to look at him in that way. Yet, he also says that it won't hurt and that it won't hurt at all. I don't know if it's more fair to call it a very aggressive pursuit from someone who is too socially aloof to understand what is going on, or to call it attempted sexual assault. (It wouldn't be classified as rape yet because he has not technically "attempted" yet, but he's still a shitty person) I think I would more likely fall into the camp that it's attempted sexual assault from her violent reaction, though with the caveat that he was seeming to seek some form of affirmative consent before he did anything. (The difficulty is that there's no explicit coercion or use of force in form of tangible things, aside from him grabbing onto her arm, just an overall feeling of dread, which makes the case tricky. ) Whether it can be legally considered consent under force is a bit up in the air, w Morally, he would be in the wrong, though.
Jun 7, 2020
Why is everyone acting like they're affected? It's honestly funny how everyone is overreacting. Just read it for christ's sake, nobody cares about you dropping it or not. You get to read this for free you don't have the right to complain, just simply leave and the problems finished, don't be an attention whore while your at it.
Nov 30, 2019
I dont know, I just feel 10/10 next chapter nothing will happen.

Just a little talk, and alls good. LOL..
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
This felt like a shonen manga scene, especially the last few pages.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Though I will ignore Godwin's Law for the sake of discourse, I feel that considering mental health is an important part of justice, especially when we are considering the ability to tell right from wrong. I never claimed I was against any form of institutionalization, as I do think keeping him separated from society in the short term would be a good idea, what I am opposed to is deprive him of the rights he is entitled to because he is someone most people would consider immoral. From my understanding, he has shown more of an egocentric behavior and the inability to empathize, and thus an incapability to understand right from wrong, and so I would be uncomfortable with making that assumption, especially because many injustices against mentally ill people are caused by ignorance of how such instances can impair behavior or prevent proper integration into society. I don't think he should just be thrown into a prison jail and left to rot, but I think a judge mandating he attend therapy or live in a center for people in emotional or psychological distress, then he will probably be more likely to recover and make amends. (Which is the direction I hope the author takes)

For me personally, rape is not something that I easily can forgive by lieu of mental illness, so again whether or not he is incapable of preventing himself from raping people due to mental illness is irrelevant to me, if he has raped then he faces the consequences.
Honestly, it depends on the mental illness, because some mental illnesses may even be so bad that they impair one's ability to even consent. For instance, if someone with Down's Syndrome or a severe form of mental retardation that impair one's mental facilities to such an extent that they can not know better, or if someone undergoes a psychotic episode outside of one's control, I don't think that it would be fair to them to persecute them on the same level as you would someone who is cognizant of their actions. I do think those examples are extreme, and that the interaction in this chapter would not fall into those categories, but you understand the general principle I am laying out.

Even putting aside any "cathartic sense of justice" that you might feel I am coming from, I don't see how you can see it any other way if you are being impartial and fair to every member of society.
I think that's too much of a dichotomy. If we can be more fair and impartial, we should. It's not as simplistic as "fair" or "unfair" and "impartial" or "partial," and I think these terms have their grey areas.

As for these "incel" takes-a characterization I'd disagree with but is besides my point-I'd say for every single comment of those you'll get a handful that are asking for him to be killed or to get the shit beaten out of him. Hell, I'd say I've seen more comments shit on the "incel" comments then the ones you're referring to directly. It's definitely more likely that it's just a fringe group of weirdos and trolls more than anything else.

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