Ms. Landlady wants to be more than just roommates but it’s hard with the blockhead.
I guess the classmates attitude was frustrating to most because it was very ignorant, she definitely didn’t think she said anything wrong nor intended to hurt her feelings. Just like MC
@Zykeroth It's that she was revealing stuff that's hard for Hara to talk about without restraint and ignoring her clearly upset expression. Either Hirakawa (the classmate) is just a bitch or there's some history between her and Hara. I'd rather the latter.
Or it's nothing and she just jump to conclusion based on what she know. I mean, she know that Hara used to date girls so for her, it was normal to think Chiyo was her GF. I honestly don't think there was anything between them because if so Hara will have said something about it. Peoples make a big deal out of a character that will probably never appear again.
I mean, the classmate didn't come as someone bad or anything, but ye as a comment said below it just came as very ignorant, and this is just personal opinion but I think that ignorance is the worst fucking shit ever just because it's optional.