I'm in Love with the Villainess - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Days as a Maid

Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
@simplechild Rei going after Claire even though it's not clear if Claire likes girls isn't a problem. Having someone of the same sex flirt with you is how many people discover they're bi or gay. Plus the possibility also exists that they're secretly bi/gay even if they aren't openly that way. It works the other way, too, straight people don't always know for certain the person they're flirting with is straight. They just kind of assume they are until they learn otherwise.

Also keep in mind that Rei knows everything about Claire that was in the game. It's quite possible that Claire is revealed to be bi or secretly gay later in the game and Rei is going after her with that knowledge in mind.
Double-page supporter
Apr 21, 2018
I like how the people who are bitching now are probably the kind of of people the novel is apparently appealing to later on.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
when i see rei tease Claire i be like

if some of ya wonder why rei acting like that is just her way of doing thing, i mean she is a reincarneted person n all so she got history on her. n lady claire is a straight well not for long
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2019
@manabi It's the degree by which Rei expresses her love that bothers me. I would have seen nothing wrong with the relationship between Rei and Claire had there been a solid line between harmless affection and "cute" stalking behavior coupled with harassment, but there is no such line with Rei. There IS something wrong when she watches Claire sleep, leers over her naked body at each opportunity, and showers Claire with her declarations of love to the point of visible discomfort. Claire therefore isn't given a lot of space to think on her own about her sexual orientation thanks to Rei constantly pushing the issue and stressing her out in the process, and I don't think that's a healthy way to discover what her orientation is.

And for however much Rei knows about Claire and the game's underlying mechanics, the very idea of the story hiding her bi/lesbian identity as some sort of hidden plot reveal/twist would be kind of not cool in my opinion.

@Raydnt Can you go even three posts without resorting to insults
Mar 24, 2019
At this point Claire can't really be considered a villain, she's more like a victim of Rei's excessive love 💕, lol 🤭.
Jul 17, 2020
Thanks a lot for the update, Bucci Gang!

I found Claire is a quite nice person. She even eats at the same table with her servants, even there are many other tables around them. Meanwhile in another "Victorian era" mangas usually the nobles don't eat with their servants.

Also thanks for clearing up some misunderstanding @NinjaGoemon & @moderateTrouble . I was afraid all this fanservice was intended for male readers and it made queer female readers felt bad about that.
May 5, 2020

You're being kind of a dickhead to Simple. He's just discussing and giving good points while you're typing sighs and saying his name matches his brain. Like if you can't come up with a better argument than name calling, maybe you should just accept defeat.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2020
Lmao what up with the comments. I should remember not to check them in the upcoming chapters.
I'm just glad this novel got a manga adaptation.

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