@Bugdemon "You cant tell me to "keep agendas out of it" when they literally only argue based on teir agenda."
Says you. And that's the problem, there is no way for you to know this. You can't read minds, and a post in the comment section of a manga is not sufficient deviance to deduce a person's perspective on social issues in media. My problem with this is that by labeling them as having a specific agenda against this content, you push them away from the conversation by seeming unreasonable, and you discredit your own point by using an unprovable and unsound argument. This whole thing comes dangerously close to being just labeling and dismissing, and that's a piss poor way of making a point. I don't care how much experience you have dealing with this, you cannot read minds, stop trying to.
Furthermore, you have failed to convince me how an agenda is at all relevant. You say that it's relevant because it shows their reasoning for making these comments, but there's no point in that. The comments are what are relevant, not the reasoning behind them. Stop attacking the person behind the argument, attack the argument instead.
Simply put, you arguing their agenda is pretty much bunk on every level. The reasoning behind this doesn't work. You claim to speak for objectivity, but objectivity doesn't care why you think something. All that matters is if that thing is provable and removed from anyone's personal feelings on the subject.