I'm Working at the Church as a Priest, but I Want to Be Cut Some Slack from the Mutilated Bodies of the Heroes that Keep Getting Sent to Me - Ch. 1.5

Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
Something I failed to consider is that if there are things that can kill Aegis with enough regularity to cause that debt, then this entire society is utterly screwed the instant heroes stop being canon fodder protecting everyone else rather than risk the evils of this system plunging them further into debt.
Either the fee multiples by several factors of ten per level, or Aegis is 99999+ levels. The first makes the debt scarier, the second scenario makes every living second a breath away from an apocalypse. The author has somehow managed to make the most terrifying setting possible.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@RamenRider Given that the only price we've seen is 3 silver for a newbie, we can't really say much about how the cost increase works. If we use the USA 2020 budget of $27.2 trillion as the metric, then having a debt that big would be easier to achieve if the cost grows exponentially (ex. 3*(2^(lv-1))) rather than a multiplicative growth (ex. 3*(lv^(lv/10 rounded down))). If we assume that silver is roughly equal to 10$ each, using the 3*(2^(lv-1)) at lv20 you'd be paying $15,728,640 per death, compared to $12,000 with the multiplicative. If we assume Aegis is at least level 80, that's $1.8133873*10^25 vs. $5.0331648*10^16, or roughly $18,133,873,000,000,000,000,000,000 vs. roughly $50,331,648,000,000,000. Both of those would be way too high for those example equations to be anywhere near reasonable, but it shows that it wouldn't really take much for a death to get absurdly expensive. Though if it was a much simpler equation like, 3*lv, it would be near impossible to ever reasonably reach national budget levels of debt.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2018
See, this is why I just save often and restart from my last one instead. Don't have to worry about wasted items too.

Also, I make an effort to not die.
Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018
I'm surprised at the conversation here. I just assumed that resurrection has a cost like in D&D. True Resurrection (more difficult than regular Ressurection) requires diamonds worth 25,000 gold. Taking a look at today's prices, gold is currently trading at around $580 per ounce. That means a D&D gold piece might be considered the equivalent of roughly $145.

Um then 145 x 25,000 = 3,625,000

The GDP of Switzerland in 1830 is around 580,000,000. Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_by_past_GDP_(PPP)

She would only need to die 160 times to reach a debt as large as Switzerland's GDP.

Of course, if it's only Ressurection which costs 1,000 gold then that's 4,000 deaths. That is a ridiculous number of deaths (but not impossible) which would explain why she was punished by being forced to become the Church's dog, lol.
Apr 19, 2019
@RamenRider Your numbers seem a bit off even if the numbers are accurate to the years mentioned. The entire GDP of the US (2019) is about 20.5 trillion dollars. The number you cited is more than 3 times the GDP of the modern USA, so I doubt that's the value of 1800 France.

The US has a 2019 budget of 4.4 trillion dollars, well below the figure you cited.
Feb 4, 2019
Your calculations don't look right. You said that if the average cost of her revival cost a million dollars that she would need to die 72 THOUSAND times in total. So how did you calculate that she would need to die 19,753,424 times a day over 10 years to reach that amount.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Oh. A dog, huh? That's...surprisingly lenient.

Considering heroes definitely don't always get sent back in one piece, I assumed they would make them repay with eternally regenerating organ harvesting.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2019
Us budget of 4.4 trillion usd
A revive cost of $100,000,000, so at that rate of 100 million per revive she needs to die 44,000 times. At the cost of 1 billion per revive she only needs to die 4,400 times. Lol.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2018
I stopped reading your drivel after you first said renaissance, pointed out the lack of firearms, and then said France 1870... Guns have been around for over 400 years at that point...
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
I'm sure those muskets you must think the adventurers can use would make a great weapon to use for those monsters and wouldn't at all bring up logistics problems despite not being replaced until the 1860s.
Having a gun you have to reload after every shot really wouldn't be inconvenient at all in the middle of a pitched battle.

I probably shouldn't do math at 2 in the morning.
Now that I'm awake, even if still groggy, I immediately noticed I posted the amount of money she had to average in debt per day(assuming no leap years) as the amount of deaths a day.( Did the first step of dividing the GDP by 3650) It reveals that her deaths per day is far better but kinda unrealistic even at a 1 million average cost per death. I think I also forgot to edit the decimal place somehow. Probably not gonna edit my old posts to be accurate as a testament of my dumb at the time.

If she had to die a steady 19~20 times a day without variation and the churches only field one priest that must have been reviving her 24/7, then how did she have enough time to make it to a high level even if she lived underleveled in some hellhole final town before the boss area where she could justifiably die within seconds of leaving the city/town proper while actually dying within seconds of crossing the border between safe town and deadly wild? She had to have been freakin spawn camped or something. Particularly bad days/weeks that can happen shoves her deaths per day out of the "safe" range of dying every waking hour for a priest getting 4 hours of sleep. And if she's still dying at that rate at a high level, then how did she learn how not to die after becoming enslaved?
Jan 27, 2018
in L2 to get res by EE/bishop it costed 1-2kk, bless res scroll costed 4-5kk. if you play carefully you die 1 per month or ever less
Double-page supporter
Apr 24, 2018
Is this how the author imagines working at a 7eleven is like?

Manning a 24/7 store where customers visit at awkward times to have their meat zapped by the warm lights and getting angry when they leave a mess.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
If Aegis reached a really high level which makes her revival expensive BEFORE she was already hopelessly indepted then how did she do that?
I mean the way her situation is set up means she did not die that often till she reached a really high level and then suddenly started dying left and right.

If that is not the case then she would have done some simpler jobs after every death to pay her revival fee back before handling another risky job.
Otherwise she would have been highly indebted before reaching a high level or better would never have reached a high level to begin with.

If you can reach a high level without being enslaved due to reviival fees then you are able to manage your money properly and do risky jobs only after saving up enough for the revival.
Therefore her situation does not make sense.

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