You're not undervaluing yourself; you are correct that you aren't the right person to be with Shoujin-san(?), right now.
But that's fine!
Be unworthy, and strive for worthiness every day while dating her!
Trust me on this one; showing up to a 10 year High School reunion, and having 3 different, super hot, former classmates ask you why you never tried to date them...? (Because I was a drama and band geek, and they were fucking Queens in our school, duh!) It feels ridiculous; even if they woulda said "No" it would've been worth the chance...
(Yeah, I know one for sure would have blown me off, but another one would've probably only done ⅔ of that...)
Just saying here, Mr. MC (and you other weebs reading this):
Take the chance he may say yes! She may not hate you! They may even be polyamory-oriented!
Shoot for the moon, fellow weebs; if you miss, you may still get the stars!