If they're not blood-related then no, it's absolutely not incest from a scientific standpoint, though it might be seen as incest from social perspective and can thus carry some stigma regardless of the presence of genetic problems.
On a semi-related note, I've seen an argument claim that if you don't support blood-related incest due to the genetic problems it causes, then you must support eugenics to some extent. The reasoning behind it being that if you're ONLY using the topic of genetic problems as a way to see incest as morally wrong, then what do you do with people who just happen to have genetic problems in their DNA that increases the chances of problems when conceiving a child with any other human? Should they also not be allowed to reproduce? I found it rather interesting, so I thought I'd share it here to see what others think.
To get back on track though, if you say you find incest (blood-related or otherwise) wrong just because it conflicts with your morals, I'd say that's a somewhat fair point too, since humans in general have their morals founded in emotions and not logic, it's almost impossible for a person to explain the WHY they find some act disgusting, other than they know for a fact that they do. Challenging that notion can be quite difficult too, even if done through introspection, so despite my views I understand why other people may see it as repulsive.