He never said prostitutions is cool.
Okay, we're starting from this point, jeez.
When people say something is "cool", they can colloquially mean it's "alright", "fine", "good", "okay". So when I said Streamer said it was "cool", I didn't mean he literally said that word for word.
He said that it's job that some people are/were forced to took because of (mostly economic) situations and you shouldn't discriminate someone just because they do this kind work.
He didn't say that, since I went on a tirade on that chapter about how he made no arguments for why prostitution should be seen in a more lenient or accepting way. He's argument was literally just "it's a job".
He said 'assassins' are cool, as in, the figure of an 'assassin', the dark edgy fast killer class that you sometimes see in fantasy genre such as games and anime/manga.
Yes, I got that. But if he's argument for accepting prostitution is "it's legal", and then goes on to say that assassins are cool despite not being legal. This might seem sort of silly getting annoyed by this contradiction, but it's just that every time streamer... well, streams, he makes the most facile and idiotic arguments and discussions the author could possibly write.
Slavery? That's bad, stop it guys.
"Prostitution? Well it's legal and a job lol"
"Hey guys, let me tell you the story of that one time I was told to shut up by a class mate
"Slavery is bad, let's just end it"
So for him to show a sliver of personality, but only to say "assassins are cool" and contradict his previous arguments is just annoying.
this whole manga is set around him streaming. What the fuck are you talking about?
No, it's set around the cult that's formed around him from his fame - he could have been a musician, or actor, or anything else, the nature of his work doesn't matter in the slightest really. It's about his fans and his relation to them, not streaming (this could change though).
However I also said that in a frivelous way, I'm still reading and enjoying the comic, I just find his "streaming segments" frustrating because they seem so poorly written for what I feel they need to be.