tell the TL to study particles more. That's where a lot of mistranslations can happen.
Let's start pg 12
[本心で褒めてるなら おまえのほうが天才だよ... If you're honestly praising me for that, you're the real genius. ]
is more of what that line means.
another major thing that stands out to me would be pg 13
[私の厳しい修行のおかげで貞操観念マシマシですからたえられますよ? due to my strict ~maiden training~ I have an increased sense of virtue, so I was able to endure it, you know?]
maiden training is preference. Sense of virtue if you want could be better TL'ed as commitment to chastity, or something along those lines. The next one is passable. but the bubbles on the lower panel... [While we're speaking even girls might be succumbing to ~it~]
it being bidets of course.
then next page (tired of typing JP)
[So this is why I should ~go on a pilgrimage(journey)~ to various lands and try their bidets. That way I can hunt down bidets that are much too addictive.]
first panel has more of that meaning, not what your TL put... as far as my knowledge goes. If I'm somehow wrong, being enlightened would be appreciated. Also this 'scene' is a historical parody so the next bubble is hard to commit to as a TL [Toyotomi Hideyoshi]. but he's doing a play on words Hideyoshi Bidet-yoshi.
the following bubble. [Basically, you just want to go try out a bunch of bidets, right?]
anyways. I could dissect more. but I feel I've done more than enough. Thanks for doing this manga, if you hadn't, I probably wouldn't have found it. I recommend your TL ask other TLs on lines they can't figure out themselves. nothing to be ashamed of in not knowing something, or struggling to figure it out. But I think it is shameful to not ask for help and instead put down something wrong. It's disrespectful to the author, not properly TLing their story correctly.
Going from JP -> SPN -> ENG is what it sounded like you guys do? I can accept a lot of the off but still acceptable TLs, like the [さすが勇者さま!] becoming [yours is the best Hero-sama!] as opposed to [as expected of you, Hero-sama!]
That one is kinda the fault of the above mis-TLs, is what I'm thinking though now...
To wrap things up. Good luck to your TL. have them do more studying on particles. And thanks again for helping me find this fun story. just finished ch 10. I'll probably keep reading this one, so really thanks. I know I came off hostile, kinda am, but look past that if you can, and hopefully my criticisms helps your TL out.
EDIT: Don't let this discourage your TL. I think they have the potential to be a fine TL in the near future. Just really encurage them to ask for help from someone who is proficient at high level JP when they feel a bit confused on a line. JP is a hard language at high levels.