Isekai Munchkin -HP 1 no Mama de Saikyou Saisoku Danjon Kouryaku- - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - First Dungeon

Active member
Feb 3, 2019
Bullshit. If in next chapter did't start good thing. I drop this mud-manga
Jan 20, 2018
The spell is probably intended to be Magic Missile, since we know his spell list since chapter 1.
That said we also know the exact effects of "magic bolt" since a few chapters ago:

So it's 1d3+1 damage, definitely on the low side but remember that the MC noticed one important thing: people living in this world DO NOT KNOWN THE RULES.
There is a chance that after the kobold battle the cleric could be low on HPs and is unable to recognize his actual HP status.
Let's say for example that the cleric has a current HP value of 2, he would be 100% guaranted defeated by a single Magic Bolt.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
@Boots that would be fine and dandy if it weren't for the fact the we have seen his character sheet, and he is not evil, but neutral. Also, he never received the evil god blessing in the first place.

The problem people are having, is that the author blatantly copy D&D mechanics, save then adlibbing to patch his lazy writing; that, and the translator that insists on botching D&D terminology.

And by the way, @blackbunii, the horse name is RoCinante, not Rosinante; even if you never read Don Quixote, you should at least know about the expanse
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
Holy shite, this Manga actually knows that Kobolds aren't "Dog people". Now that surprises me!
Jan 18, 2018
I'm liking the DnD manga....but seriously, did they need to fall back on the Isekai "Adventurer's guild with ranks" trope?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
so short... pls gib more (I know there are tons of raws...)
Dex-chan lover
Dec 22, 2018
@Beregorn True, although considering the similarities to D&D I could think of a couple things that could explain MC having the aura even if he himself isn't Evil - reincarnation being cast by the evil god giving the aura, lingering aura from recent contact with her, etc. Heck, I remember a campaign I was in where we used a spell to fake auras and screw with the local paladin order.

It could just be the author is bad, but I'd give them the benefit of the doubt for now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
You can use a d20 system without religiously following the D&D stuff; it's called homebrew
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
Took me 2hrs to actually be able to sit down and read anything past the Kobold part......

Annddddd finally got to see how they decided to make Lawful-Good-chan there turn on the party........... Personally if I was DMing I probably wouldn't have accepted his justification for slashing down Duke's-Daughter-san, but it kinda depends on how strict or loose the Lawful-Good God is on that kinda shit.

The Morale of the story is that you really need to be careful about "Lawful" characters if you do not have a through understanding of what laws or code they are following...... MC should have spent a little time reading up in his book about that God to know what to actually expect from one of its devote followers..... "Justice" was a huge red flag.

There's a reason "Lawful Good" also has the nickname "Lawful Stupid".
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
Right?! I think this is the first time I've ever seen a Japanese kobold that wasn't a furry. For a long time now I've wonder how furry kobold's got started. Maybe it has to do with kanji?

I wish the author hadn't made Lang a zealot douche. I think it would have made his character and the story so much more interesting if he was a proper good guy. He could still have the "it's ok to kill Evil people" mentality, just not be such a scumbag about.
Attacking Charlotte(who didn't have the taint of evil on her) could have been about disabling her to stop her from interfering with Lang and question her later, because to Lang she may not know better.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Hey D&D accurate kobolds! Furfags must be furious, scalies must be happy.

@RanmaChaos The Japanese translation of an early D&D edition mistranslated "dog-like snout/face" to "dog-like humanoid" was my understanding.
Oct 26, 2018
i know that "dont judge the book by its cover" but really? the wholeshit about that guy need u'r judgement
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019

Yeah as @Ironclad mentioned, furry Kobolds was due to a translation mistake in an early D&D edition and it just kinda stuck. (I've heard it described as the line being literally translated to "They are dog people", but I don't currently speak Japanese and cannot comment on the specifics even if I really kinda want to have that trivial knowledge)

I figured from the moment I saw Lawful-good-chan's (LG-chan) face that he was gonna turn on the MC, but due to the volume of Isekai I consume I totally forgot about the connection between the MC and the evil god..... which annoys me a bit because if I remembered that detail I would have SOOOO seen the reason for the betrayal coming..... But LG-Chan's cutting down Duke's-Daughter-san (DD-san) is just poor writing that wasn't really thought all the way through..... Zealot or not, if DD-san didn't have an "evil taint" why wouldn't a zealot of a god of Kindness assume that she is being manipulated or lied to by the "evil" MC? I'd be more willing to ignore this that if the God's second domain wasn't kindness but something more Zealot-y.

Really, since they gave LG-chan a face that just screened "Snake that will stab you in back!" they should have written it that he was totally nice as opposed to being a Lawful-Stupid douche.... we could have had the constant tension of wondering when he was gonna turn. Hell, when he got upset about the MC wanting to kill the bats I thought for a moment that maybe his shtick was that he would party with low level mages that didn't know you needed to actually KILL to get XP...... It would have been so much more interesting if he was just a douche that only partied with young ignorant mages to steal their XP.
Jan 20, 2018
@Beregorn @Boots
Possession of the book could also be a cause, if the book is a divine artifact that was crafted by the evil goddes herself.

Or there could be something akin a curse or an infernal contract in place: given that the goddes was evil I doubt the offer of a free magical item was due to kindness, and the MC has verbally accepted that deal and the goddes servant was also writing down something when the MC made his choice.
He didn't receive the staff, but given that he took the book, it could be that now the book is considered the divine artifact he received from the goddes and so the 'blessing' is in effect.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2018
Well he has to learn the lesson, don't be will only bring harm.

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