Teenage angst.
Lovely gayness.
That’s perfect. Fantastic. I totally agree.
I tend to dress to make statements. To express my opinion or an aspect of my personality.
I have my own sense of style, but I do seek direction, unconsciously, from how to defy expectations and express how I feel about the world.
I used to dress kind of butch, but in pastels. Short purple hair, denim jacked covered in pride flair.
Then I grew my hair out, started wearing long skirts and revealing tops.
Now I’m perfectly happy with my decision to dress how is acceptable for Conservative Judaism (I’d never been observant before).
That, too is a statement. The arbitrary fashion rules have some justifications attached, but I think it’s really just to be set apart as a group.
Also, as a stepmother and housewife I’m not exactly parading around trying to get seen. I’m fine with less flash.
My wife misses the burnout shirts... she really like boobs.