Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 7 Ch. 53 - The Girlfriend and her Dream 4

Active member
May 10, 2018
@kuma more like the faggot beta mc does not deserve any attention he gets from any of those girls. He did absolutely nothing to deserve their love and now acts like some tough shit. Even a person who has not recieved any love his whole life will realize how much of a scumbag he is if he thinks about three girls at the same time
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

The thing that I just want to stress is that I feel like the author believes "I'm going to rent you as my girlfriend every week" is actually a redemption moment. But it's not. Like everything, even virtue must be done in moderation. The level of bravery required from an old lady versus a soldier is different, and even in a soldier, too much bravery can lead to recklessness and being foolhardy. In the MC's case, he's trying to nobly self-sacrifice, but he has gone too far and we've merely gone from "selfish, cringeworthy asshole" to "obsessed, cringeworthy dude putting a girl on a pedestal."

The MC is STILL not seeing Chizuru as an actual, flesh-and-blood woman. He still doesn't know how to behave like a normal person around her. At first he treated her like a slut and prostitute. (while beating his meat to the thought of his ex-girlfriend sleeping with someone else) Now he's treating her like she's a pure, angelic being. Neither of those are who Chizuru is. She's just a normal girl who happens to be pretty, and in the real world a girl like that would never love anyone who treats her in either of those ways.

He's literally attempting to buy her affection with money and good deeds, rather than honesty, communication, shared interests, and so on. If the author shows us later that this still isn't redemption, I'll be really impressed, but based on Chizuru's reaction to his savior mentality she's happy that he's doing this. And sadly, that makes HER a very, very flawed individual.
Feb 22, 2018
@LysandersTreason I get what you mean. The main character does not see her as a person, he has an idealized image of her where she seems to transcend being human in his mind. The two of them don't have a relationship of mutual respect or where you feel they have an actual connection, she only started to "like" him after he saved her life like some suspension bridge effect.

But whether you agree that the author succeeds in making the MC redeemable or not, I understand his intention. Almost everything the MC has done in this manga so far is for himself, that's what's different about this moment. The MC, for once, is not doing this to win points with her. If he was, the author would make that brutally clear like every other scene where he's a pathetic loser. He does it because he genuinely believes she had talent. I also don't think it's bad of her to feel happy over it. Yeah, she probably should be thinking "Well he's only doing this to get in my pants so I shouldn't accept it" but that is if she doubts his sincerity. I think she's happy over the gesture more than the money itself.

Yeah, from an outsider's perspective the MC is still just an overobsessed moron who doesn't know the value of money. But in the perspective of the MC from his point of view, the way he thinks has matured in a way. I don't think the MC has redeemed himself in the slightest but I think that's what the author was going for.
Jun 13, 2018
i see the comments are still toxic as ever lol.. i enjoy reading the comments thats why i come here.. and to my amusement the ratings increased, small increase but it increased lol
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

Well let me put it this way. Assuming we can look at this new behavior as altruism and not him still wanting to fuck her, the way he is attempting to help Chizuru (by working himself to the bone for her happiness) is equally, if not more, unhealthy than the way he was previously when he was being a selfish, manipulative asshole.

The MC has over-corrected his sliding vehicle and is plunging off the other side of the road. He's still not on track to be a decent person.
Jan 26, 2018
I think I've figured out the origin of this manga. It's a prequel of sorts to Video Girl Ai. ?

After Mami wakes up and realizes that the "prize" she's fighting for isn't, Chizuru settles down with Umi, and Ruka finds someone who makes her feel special without treating her like cat crap that he stepped in... Kazuya shrivels down and becomes the old man who runs the video store, training video girls on how to be the perfect mate for someone else.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
The mental gymnastics some pull here to have an excuse to hate the mc have gone from stupid to laughable.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2018
Eh, people are still dissing the MC to hell like he is supposed to be an alpha or a wise man. What I see is just a early 20's uni guy finally beginning to realize how much of a child he still is day after day. Growing up is not easy, you get your view of the world broken and rebuild just to be broken again repeatedly, and even after you finally become somewhat mature you will always remember something you literally did recently, connect the points and think "what the fuck did I do?". It's called Life, and you never stop growing up somehow until you die.

IMO as a person the MC right now is much better than he was at the beginning, even tho he's still got lots more to work on. His character is developing little by little through steps and missteps. This makes me hope that if this don't get axed somehow, by the end he'll have grown into a mature guy.
Jun 13, 2018
@RandomDoge i can gurantee you that you opened the eyes of -1 people by writing this.. they are not just toxic .. they are poisonous XD
Dex-chan lover
Feb 26, 2020
Manga is getting a tad bit better, but I don't see this moving forward too much.
Mar 27, 2020
He is basically her sugar-daddy at this point... except the Diamond agency gets a cut.
Frankly she should probably just rent herself directly to him without the intermediary. She'd get more of his money that way.

@en-ryuu : "toxic" is just a subset of "poisonous". So what you're basically saying is that you won't just die from eating commenters, but you might die if they bite you too. ¬_¬
Aug 20, 2020
Dude stop being a fucking moron! Plenty of other losers will rent her ass, stop letting this bitch suck your wallet dry! Ruka may be annoying but she's honest and straightforward, she actually cares for you and wants to spend time with you, and she even recognizes her flaws and wants to change so you love her! Fucking moron.
Oct 4, 2020
This manga is a conspiracy to keep simps in their delusion thinking that they might get a chance if they spend more money.

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