Kaya-chan wa Kowakunai - Vol. 6 Ch. 35 - Chie-sensei isn't scary

Double-page supporter
Jul 18, 2023
as i understand its like a symbiote or parasite, its open for interpretation if is malicious, for all we know, it like an ancestral gene or something, or a curse, or something crazier, i was kinda on track with the idea that kaya is undead?
and for her little unborn sibling, maybe is an anomaly thata gonna be the endgame
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2020
I don't understand, when he said Kaya family have spectre, does he mean Kaya family like her grandmother is originally a human but because she have special powers, her soul turning into a spectre little by little, and for Kaya's case her soul is now fully spectre because she uses her power since she's little?

Or did he mean they have this one big spectre as a "pet" and this spectre is taking over Kaya's family like her grandmother and Kaya by replacing their soul with its spectre part little by little?
I feel like all of the eldest daughter in this family are reincarnated of spectre.
unlike normal human soul, they're former powerful spectre.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2021
Imo, Chie being able to return Kaya back into her body is a very important point.

The specter responded to Chie's feelings. So is it possible the ebisumori revered the specter to much that it became "inhuman". Now Because Chie showers Kaya affection, that why it got a Halo on her head

That said, I do believe Human Kaya is still there. Considering the volume art.
Double-page supporter
Nov 22, 2019
Not sure it's the chapter that's a little confusing, or the maybe something lost in the translation.

Is the spectre shared between all members of the family? It seemed to imply that each member's soul is part spectre and the more they used their "medium" powers, they lose their humanity, until they are only spectre in the end.

I guess in the case of Kaya, she was born mostly (or all) spectre as her soul. So, there is no "human Kaya" - there is only Kaya as she is.

Also, the dude who just decided to kill a child without doing all his research? Whack.
May 28, 2023
I wonder how long Kanna will keep her humanity? For what he said, it will eventually fade.
I wonder if the lack of humanity is less a result of the spectre and more a case of how the priestess is raised. Kind of nature vs nurture thing. If the eldest daughter are raised strictly to play out a certain role within the family it could result in them failing to develop a proper sense of empathy and emotions. Meanwhile Kaya has been brought up like an ordinary kid.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
Chie-sensei's martial arts prowess is amazing. When Kaya-chan mentions she got lost it can be taken as her getting separated from her Dad at the festival, but also her spirit getting separated from her body. Glad Kaya-chan's face didn't have marks left on it. Seems Namu-san learned a lesson. Thanks for the TL.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
this is just speculation but what im assuming is going on is kaya's family is an ancient family of mediocre exorcists who werent able to fight off powerful specters so they made a deal with a less dangerous powerful spectre that they would merge their first born with it so that it can act as a booster to their spiritual power.

at first this made their family line borderline psychopathic due to barely having a soul anymore, but eventually the specter started to 'become' the soul and thats how more recent generations are almost indistinguishable from normal people outside of their odd powers

this idea has a flaw though, mainly in the form of what exactly happened with the grandmother. she seemed to beg somthing to spare kaya, was she bargaining with some normal specter that was too powerful for them to fight? was she begging her own soul? i dont know, but thats my going theory for now
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
I like that by the end of the chapter, Namu admits he has incomplete knowledge of whatever phenomenon is going on with Kaya. Is Kaya a separate being from the spectre or not? Also, given Mirai’s condition, is the Ebisumori spectre fragmenting itself with each generation it is passed down?
It could be a case of the human either submitting to the specter or winning over it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Chie-sensei is the MV-fuckin'-P :win:
She needs to become whatever the JP equivalent of godmother is or somehow still stay in her life after she leaves elementary school tho dunno if they'll do a time skip to a teen kaya tho it would be interesting for it to end on some kinda flash forward
Oct 25, 2018
I think uncle san here has wound up with a very black and white view of the world because of what he's experienced in life. Add to that- as Sensei here says very correctly- that he doesn't actually KNOW her, as a person, and I can see how he reached these conclusions.

Poor kid tho. Getting lost is scary.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
Interesting so I was right with my theory last chapter, so whenever we see Kaya's eyes change when she uses her powers we are in fact seeing within the shell at the spectre inside the shell or perhaps its the spectre looking outside of the shell that we are seeing. I think its a case that the Ebisumori spectre is actually passed down from priestess to priestess each one serving as a host until the next eldest daughter is born and that something went wrong with Mirai either before or during her first pregnancy? Also is Nana the eldest daughter or is Mirai? Because it seems to be family tradition to have whoever happens to bear the spectre at the time to enter into and carry the "family business" of being a prominent psychic as it were... yet Mirai didn't and her child acquired it while Nana did enter the business and seems rather weak in comparison to Blindma. So did the family spectre rebel in some way leading to Mirai's secret birth and it passing to Kaya, Namu is Kaya's uncle, or did some outside factor cause this to occur? By part of the spectre remaining in the womb and taking a second simultaneous host these has me feeling the spectre is rebelling against the Ebisumori, that would explain grandma's rambling in her room upon meeting Kaya, or it could be something else taking advantage of the situation so it can access the Ebisumori womb gateway. I also like the parallel between what the Ebisumori have been doing for generations and what that evil organization in Dark Gathering also does.
Thank you for the chapter.
Also I do think that the family spectre has another personality outside of the surface Kaya personality that does manifest from time to time as seen in the reunion scene in grandma's room in the nursing home and when Chie hugged both Kaya and Sakuya after the store room incident I think the pardon the pun "Kaya shell persona" is just the result of how the spectre's been raised while in this current vessel like a somewhat normal 5 yr old girl but below that is that original mind of the generations old entity.

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