Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - Ch. 84

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Two things that are not complaints, just interesting alternative translations that someone could use (not you, really, because you have made your perfectly good choices).

Otokonoko (just transliterated) was the most common term I saw in the 2010s, but now we also have “femboy” which is almost a literal translation, and is easier for, well, “normies” to understand. Not that normies would be reading this. 😝

With the prevalence of even straight people saying “my partner” these days, I’ve seen translators using “partner” for「恋人」, because now the connotation is neutral, not gay, and people don’t say “lovers” outside anime and manga translations since like the 50s or something. This is a manga translation, so we know what it means. 😆

I am just looking for opportunities to write something as a distraction from the bulging disk in my spine pressing against my spinal cord, causing my lower body to jerk around and go slightly numb.😬😖😫

yes this was written in a way to make you cringe. Misery loves company, motherfuckers.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
The fujoshi to my knowledge would side with the it's just bl rather than take estrogen
As a fujoshi who is aware of the problems with a lot of BL (A LOT of it!), this ain’t BL.

It doesn’t have the structure or character motivations. The focus is on entirely different things.
This is just a romance story (practically shoujo!), but it’s two guys, and one presents in a more uncommon way.

”Crossplay Love” is a gag comedy romance story that’s got queerness. That’s not the main concern. It’s secondary to “hidden identity shenanigans”.

I am so glad same-gender stuff is moving away from genre-pieces, because I would be fine with BL dying off into the wind. Put the queerness in other genres.
We don’t need stories where the guys somehow don’t know about gayness or “onee-sama“ girls school yuri.
Old hat!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Just gonna say they do make drugs to stop male puberty but i doubt that’s the direction this manga is going.
Puberty blocker here we go
Not real common for AMAB guys to take those… 😬

Oh, shit, are we entering a heavier gender dysphoria arc? This could be really interesting…
Either he become a male or he actually discover he have female hormon
I'll be surprised if they end up taking estrogen, i dont think theres many manga out there that has one of their characters take estrogen/testosterone.
Oh boy. I can already see ahead of time how much of the dumpter fire the comments are going to become with a gender dysphoria and it seems the author know too :kek:
I commend her for her bravery of touching such themes when she knows perfectly well how weird people that read BL are about this things
Time to take the E-pills

You really stepped on that landmine, huh?
Couldn’t just think back on the disasters of earlier comment sections and NOT bring up hormone-affecting drugs and the like?

The implication that this YOUNG MAN is a trans girl has been done, and directly addressed by the author in and out of the work.

Hiura. Is. A. Cis. Boy.

He’s gonna be scared his voice will be less cute. Midou won’t care, but it’s not just about them, it’s about his view of himself and adjusting his expectations and whatever I don’t know I’m not a guy.

There’s drama about late-but-here puberty incoming. It’s gonna be rough.

It’s not gonna be the same kind of rough where I looked in the mirror at 14 and saw a stranger.

edit: glad to see I took the heat, and hopefully reduced the intensity, of the people I was worried about.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2020
Ahhhh, yes, this is the kind of point that a happy ending in a story like this needs to take into account.
Hiura will eventually grow up, and unless he changes it through medicine, his body will grow and become more masculine.
He won't remain smol forever.
So rather than just saying "Happy Ending" with the two ending together, ignoring that this will eventually happen, the author will deal with and show that they'll remain together and make it work even if Hiura stops being Smol.
He can still look good and feminine with the right clothes and makeup even after puberty runs its course after all.
He'll just move from Cute Femboy to Pretty Femman!
Jul 29, 2023
here we go again, im not chuffed to see what slop commenters will conjure once again...
Active member
Apr 29, 2023
I'd rather Hiura have lung cancer and cook meth than let these egg motherfuckers have their delusions come true

Never forgetting the localization fiasco
what is wrong with you?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Ahhhh, yes, this is the kind of point that a happy ending in a story like this needs to take into account.
Hiura will eventually grow up, and unless he changes it through medicine, his body will grow and become more masculine.
He won't remain smol forever.
So rather than just saying "Happy Ending" with the two ending together, ignoring that this will eventually happen, the author will deal with and show that they'll remain together and make it work even if Hiura stops being Smol.
He can still look good and feminine with the right clothes and makeup even after puberty runs its course after all.
He'll just move from Cute Femboy to Pretty Femman!
The process to get there will suck.
The frog voice before one can then train it to whatever one wants is kinda shitty.
Though for me it was just a gradual drop from soprano to basso profundo. I am a countertenor, now.

He could get a pretty voice should he want it. There’s so much one can do with just a bit of effort.

We don’t know what Hiura’s dad looks like, either, so we?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
I'd rather Hiura have lung cancer and cook meth than let these egg motherfuckers have their delusions come true

Never forgetting the localization fiasco
…do you mean the people saying he’s an egg?
Because I’d just call those people “morons”.

And wow wow wow was that localisation a friggin disaster! That’s not good for anybody! insult one group, make another look bad, go against the very clear authorial intent, make the publisher look bad (how they let that get all the way to print is beyond me)…
People that bought the first run deserve a replacement, free 2-way shipping.

Sadly that run might end up a collector’s item because of how many copies will have been pitched in the bin causing rarity.

I remember back in the naughties when manga was just getting really popular and companies would license something rather niche for cheap, then just make stuff up. Not even translate anything, just fill bubbles and sound effects with whatever, so the plot would be entirely different and make no sense. (Like the scanlation of “Still Sick”. There’s no translation. It’s just made up out of whole cloth by someone who clearly knows no Japanese)
Or they’d translate something and change plot elements and ages and stuff so it would be… not criminal.
Tweak some panels and chapters of something to make it horror instead of guro.
No oversight, no quality control…

I am so glad that if I buy manga I’m buying raws.

(well, I might buy Sasaki & Miyano, because the sample I read is the best translation of anything I have ever seen, and I love that manga.
Scanlation of it is eeeeeh. Starts off bad, gets better then suddenly starts getting worse and worse until someone else picked it up.)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
I also suddenly remember the more recent drama with the "Otokonoko Senpai" anime

These people see crossdressing and IMMEDIATELY assume bullshit headcanons. Aren't they the ones enforcing gender norms? lmao
Vocal minority.
Most of us said… nothing. That’s why you didn’t see anyone who didn’t do that, because they didn’t.

Don’t lump us all together. I don’t think it’s “enforcing” I think it’s “overly-influenced by”.
You get “this is girly” pounded into you, and then you see a boy doing it and if you’re a moron you say “TRANS?!” and it’s like… look at the title.

Fandoms are always full of morons.

My kid is big into Murder Drones (it’s pretty good. We watch it together) and she will be talking about stuff going on in the fandom and I have to point out when something makes no sense, or people always come up with ships that make no sense, but just let them do whatever and ignore them.
”Hmmmm, that just sounds like a fan theory. There’s nothing in the show that directly points to that.”
It’s an opportunity to teach them critical analysis of media. Does this theory make sense? If so, are there alternative theories that could also be true? Does one seem more likely? How does that fit in with the intent of the creator? Has the creator made the work line up with their intent?

I have had to bring up multiple times the war of 3x2 vs 2x3 in the Gundam Wing fandom back when it was on Toonami and just after.
There were fabrications, conspiracies, death threats…
I was over here like “…3x4 4-ever. Have fun, weirdos.”
Fandoms can get toxic, and you might have to disengage.

Morons always exist in all stripes.

I’ve seen people do the opposite. I’ve seen it just as often, really.
Remember Bridget? Blaming localisation when you can literally hear her say it in Japanese? Hounding and threatening the devs until the developers had to make a public statement about her gender and pronouns? People still not accepting it?

“Jousou off-kai…” has exactly one trans character and that’s too many for some people.

There was one more I was about to put down but my cat just got up in my business and I can’t remember it.

People need to learn to, like…
Shut up. Everyone.
Just say less. Opinions, assholes etc.

So, yeah. Morons everywhere.
All kinds of them.

We’re not all morons. Cishets aren’t all morons.
All morons are loud, though.
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Active member
Apr 29, 2023
I also suddenly remember the more recent drama with the "Otokonoko Senpai" anime

These people see crossdressing and IMMEDIATELY assume bullshit headcanons. Aren't they the ones enforcing gender norms? lmao
Tbf with the Otokonoko Senpai one, iirc cause I haven't read it in a long time(never watched the anime), I'm pretty sure there was a whole ark about the MC questioning their identity and about whether they wanted to be a girl or just wear cute clothes, and from what I remember that ark ended with the MC basically saying they didn't know and just wanted to live as themselves.
Apr 24, 2023
Whether Hiura continues to be cis or transitions, we should all still love them the way Midou would.

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