greatninja3 When you're out of your depth, just mimic what you know. The main costs of healthcare in the US come from legal protections and all the bureaucracy that comes with that as well as the huge growth of imaging technology with CT scans and MRIs. The reason insurance models exist is because self-employment is one of the most valued aspects of being a physician.
None of this applies to medieval Europe. This is an era when medicine was a hobby of nobles who were individually serving Noble families. Rather than an insurance model with all the issues of setting rates and processing claims, just making physicians civil servants would be easier. It would serve as a licensing process, promote the service, distinguish the physicians, and bring prestige to her noble house.
This guild idea seems prone to corruption and wouldn't be as transparent as just fitting physician salaries into a healthcare budget. Of course you could make the argument that only medical professionals are equipped to assess the cost of care, as lobbyists and accountants make very unethical and cost saving policies generally.