Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami - Vol. 6 Ch. 44

Aggregator gang
Oct 27, 2018

Absolutely, I feel like this really cheapened the Main characters "characterization". not that she shouldnt be weak but all of a sudden he says here bobo cry and she does, its all played as if any person noble king or other wouldnt be having trouble in her situation routed from every direction while half the kingdom is after you because you handle your fief well.

This is just like the end of good will hunting, if not for robin williams being an amazing actor that scene woulda made me laugh out loud. Its fake psychology and just a cheap catharsis that had little build up and dismissing what the person is struggling through.

idk this is a bit of a sour chapter for me.
Mar 27, 2020
If you're worrying people by hiding your pain, you're not hiding it at all.

Imagine even having such a problem. ¬_¬
I can't even imagine an existence where anyone else is even remotely aware of my personal status regardless of effort to hide or advertise it. I could commit suicide and they'd accuse my corpse of faking it.
Double-page supporter
Aug 30, 2020
The way Edward walked into her office makes me think "did he just twirled? His coat..." But all in all he came at the right time. Wonder what he had up his sleeve to help her.

That aside, her 'ugly' crying face & screaming fit is very realistic, so I like it. This mangaka & author did this part justice.
Aggregator gang
Jun 11, 2020
@WanderingKaos @lazerus56

I disagree, I think that this scene isn't stupid. You'd be surprised by how many people are in this situation, hiding their pain until they reach a limit, I'm like that, and I could empathize with her about what it feels like to reach your limit. She isn't just stressed and tired, from what I see her character loved Edward since she was very young and it would feel terrible to be just thrown away for another girl, however, Iris never actually vented to anyone about this and just kept it in, and then this ex-communication happened and she's starting to reach her limit with how much she can endure. She got an opportunity to vent it and unravel and that's exactly what she did. I'm sorry if I missed your point but this is what I got from reading your comment and what I think about it.
Jun 25, 2020
(uh oh this became a long comment - TL;DR is that if you're finding this moment a bit cheap or stereotypical as 'man comforts broken girl', that might be on purpose)

I also agree with @Ace435 on the nature of this situation - literally everything Iris was building up, and even things she thought should've been stable at this point in time (in particular her family name and her dad's position) all suddenly came undone, due to the recent sequence of events that she overlooked because they were unlikely enough (under normal circumstances). At times like these, I feel that the effort to maintain your composure and keep your head held up high is just too high to be able to focus on anything else, which I believe is the 'dangerous' part of this mindset that Dean is noting.

Iris in particular has it rough, because both her knowledge of herself as a reincarnation and the unavoidable rejection from the Second Prince serve constantly as reminders that she is an 'outsider'. She sees herself as alone in both her knowledge of a second world, as well as due to her supposed ostracisation in the game. I think that these events have led Iris, up until now, unable to see anyone else as a pillar of support they can rely upon, even just for a short while - and her retainers do not count, since she sees them as relying on her. See page 9 - she cannot ever cry or stop working fully, because she cannot imagine someone else taking on her full responsibilities out of no additional obligation - once again, even if just for a short while.

Dean doesn't call her weak through and through; what he is noting is that in this dire situation, it is her strength to keep pushing forward without looking after her own weaknesses which will wind up being her downfall. As someone in the royal family, he knows and has had the experience of keeping up appearances throughout his life; similarly, he admires and acknowledges Iris' strength amidst her hesitations.

And yet there's more to it than that - we know Dean isn't just there for the sake of 'protecting her'. He's there for other reasons too, and the manga makes no attempt to hide the unsettling smiles of the prince (see page 17). At least, to me, it still remains rather ambiguous on how Dean views Iris - fortunately in this case, their goals happen to align.

Yes, we end up with a scene very reminiscent of the cheesy 'prince shows up to *save* the day' cliche, but I think the dynamic between the characters (and the author's intent) is quite a bit different. Iris is for once at her wits' end, and Dean is the only one in a position to even consider asking her to 'loosen up'. We're once again reminded (and given further insight) of how alone she feels in this world - and in this one outburst, she allows herself to temporarily see the prince as someone to rely upon. (And I say 'temporarily', because literally right after she's considering that he could betray her - see page 19.) Immediately after, she shows agency by taking action of her own and calling for an opening ceremony; I don't think she's showcased as some 'damsel in distress' that must rely on the prince whenever disaster strikes.

If anything, perhaps the sour taste of this cliche scene from the slight detraction of Iris' character is even intentional. The harsh reality that some things are too tough for Iris to handle alone, and subtle hints that Dean still has ulterior motives and is getting his way, end up inverting the stereotypical associated emotions.
Oct 8, 2020
@Noboru, I absolutely agree with you. She was hit with several big setbacks all at once. With her imposter syndrome going strong, and all her other concerns, it's completely reasonable to let go and rely on someone who has proven themselves to be reliable.

He told her the truth and let her release everything that's been building up. Something she really can't allow herself to do with the people around her.
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
@Melodiclove both of you are pretty much spot on with this. i really wanna believe dean is genuine in helping her though rather than having an ulterior motive (i'd like that smile to be one of feeling relief she would let down her walls for even a little, but as noboru highlighted there's always this air about him that suggests he's got other intentions)
Double-page supporter
Dec 7, 2020
For some reason, I kinda hate the mc.
She acts like a pro when it comes to business and ruling her territory but acts like a child that is lost when the topic became personal.

She easily panic when the subjects is about heresy and etc.
Despite how mature she acts on the outside, she's like a newborn baby in the inside. I thought she would be mature considering how she was in her past life.
Dec 5, 2019
@reen112 what is she like in her past life? She was just an ordinary accountant. Its normal to be puzzled, frazzled and worry when u experience new things, losing people dear to u etc, I also assume the original Iris feelings must be felt by her.
Aug 25, 2020
@Noboru no words just 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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