Lamia Orphe Is Dead - Ch. 19 - The Mage's Oath

Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2019
mc trying to care for her bro but literallt forcing him to inherit the title and make him go down a route he never wanted
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2019
"Why aren't you acknowledging his efforts?!"
Dumb bitch, you forced him to do that useless shit while you and he know he's unsuitable for it.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2019
LMAO. "Fixed Mindset" Lamia not even giving a reaction to the falling CHANDELIER, like she's waiting for it to crash down her head.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 1, 2018
I can sympathise, her bro's hand is disfigured and other than being duke, there isn't really role for him... But, she should become the duchess for the greater good, why watch your less competent brother struggle when you can easily do the job
Jun 13, 2019
But I believe her brother would be happier if he could return to become a knight. Are you sure you won't swallow your pride for him?
Apr 4, 2019
@Amarrez Finally someone reasonable

For a noble either it is politics or it is to be a soldier, it is therefore his only means of providing for establishing a future. In addition the prince is absolutely not someone who seems reliable but rather dangerous, (Amarrez well explained), you all look from a point of view far too objective because you know the ML, but I think that few no one could trust him if you had been in place of Lamia. Her reaction is more than normal for me, she seems stubborn but it's clearly understandable, because it's been 19 chapters for us but in the story everything happens in a short period of time.
Apr 19, 2019
I understand the distrust MC has in the second prince (I would too), but she's being completely irrational and irresponsible when it comes to her brother. In the context of this manhwa - a duke is responsible for the well-being of hundreds (thousands?) of people and he hasn't shown either the initiative or competence to have that responsibility.

If her brother gets a development arc that's great, but until then she's being quite careless to keep insisting on something that is constantly being foreshadowed as a disaster.
Apr 13, 2019
At this point of the plot Lamia is supremely stupid.
Not about Aquila, really. Given Aquila's antecedents, in her position I would be also suspicious as fuck about this guy and his sudden change of side. @Amarrez and @Kisa24 pointed it clearly, the guy has a well deserved fame of being dangerous and unstable, I would be very cautious if I were her (and I like better if the trust becotween MC and ML is slowly earned instead of immediately given because Twu Wub or whatever)
But girl, you know better than anyone that your younger brother doesn't have the talent, nor the competence or the disposition to be the next family head, and yet you insist because you are pretty sure that with effort and a bit of sockpuppetry from your hand he can do fine. No manita, he cannot and we won't, no matter cuantas bolas Uri le esté echando, he is doing his better but his better isn't enough and you know it. I get why you are trying, but even if we the readers saw how well that choice went in the other timeline by just reading the title of this webtoon, you should stop your delusions that your brother will become as competent as you in way less of the time you managed to be competent yourself.
Apr 4, 2019
@Lequinni I think it is because she sees only 2 choices: that he becomes the head of the family (the choice of the soldier is not possible with his hand) or that he becomes nothing and rots in her big house by being in the background if she is named duchess.

But of course it is obvious that she also overprotects him, he must have a past with these two that we don't know. For example when she evokes the fact that the duke "never" saw his efforts, here either it is completely idealized from Lamia's point of view, or he has made efforts the last weeks (for me it's obviously the first one), we could therefore wonder how she came to have this distorted vision, it must not be that since he came back with his hand completely destroyed but must date before. (I like to think that the author purposely places her little clues everywhere but I could completely be wrong and that she overprotects him after seeing that he lost his hand and his future because of the prince it is already a good reason after all. But it seems much deeper to me) For example that she says he "never" sees his efforts it makes me think that this is not the first time.

Finally for the moment I don't prefer to say that she is stupid it is obviously that there are antecedents so that they have such a special relationship, and in their society I can understand her decision which seems stubborn to us. ( If the son of a duke does not become the head of the family or a soldier what can he become?)

I'm sorry I talk too much
Jun 5, 2019
Ugh Uri is so gosh darn annoying. Constantly whining and complaining while his sisters throwing away everything she’s worked so hard for to protect him. Lamia should just become Duchess like she’s supposed to.

Honestly at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if in some twist they reveal the 2nd prince wasn’t the one who injured his hand. 🤦🏼‍♀️ He’s definitely an unreliable narrator.
Nov 15, 2019
oh no the author has deliberately shown that funeral aquila and current aquila has a different personality! does this mean that they’re from a different timeline? hhhnmm

think Lamia needs to realize that Uri himself might be stressed out with her expectation on him becoming the next duke. also if aquila can heal his hand why not do it right away?
Double-page supporter
Aug 13, 2019
😩😩 he himself doesn't want to be Duke either! Why are you making this unnecessarily difficult??
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2018
If there was a third sibling would they have nothing to do because there are only two jobs available? or does every sibling after the first one become a knight lol
Jun 24, 2019
Please be it the next chapter cliché so Mc save FL and Uri doesn't get hurt.
May 27, 2020
I knew it! I knew it was a maid. We saw someone in a made like outfit with the crystal, they must be evil. I think if ML heals Uri everything will mostly be fine but we can't forgot the psychological trauma Uri went through under his leadership, can't heal that. Also I feel like most people here are being ridiculous, Uri can become the head, and even if he couldn't, Lamia's right, the duke is never acknowledging him. I don't think Uri would want to become a knight again, even if he gets healed, there's literally nothing else he can do; Lamia is trying to give him the position so he can be safe, she's just being a good sibling.
Jun 8, 2020
Why is she myopic? Do you think Uri will somehow cease to exist if he is not a knight or Duke? She is all what about Uri, but what about your people?! Also, wouldn't it be more beneficial to get close to him for revenge than pushing him away? You get to know his weaknesses that way. I still don't get how becoming a knight is beneficial to her cause. Help me understand her logic.

I could careless about the romance, and she is justified in not trusting the prince, but her motivation to make Uri the Duke because daddy doesn't pay attention to him is silly, as her being a knight for revenge.

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