“No I did not have to say spiritually. Mind and spirit are the same thing. Everything about Lilith clan revolves around mind powers in the first place and that's why Momo's soul has to be aligned with darkness even if her body isnt.
Basically you are just trying to use semantics to excuse your misunderstanding. ”
Yes, you should have said "spiritually" because what changes (as you just said) is the spirit, not the mind. What the powers of the Lillth clan consist of, or why there is a change is irrelevant for say in what sense Momo is a vassal. What will determine in what sense she is a vassal is that parts of she underwent a transformation. Don't deviate from the point. For a reason in all the examples that I linked before, Momo was called a vassal in spirit and not a vassal in mind, and it is because precisely what underwent a transformation was her soul, not her psyche (in which case, if it would be correct to say that it is a vassal in mind).
And No. I wasn't trying to justify why I got confused, I was explaining why I got confused (and incidentally, pointing out that you made a mistake by saying "Momo is Shamiko's vassal in mind"). I never denied that confusing myself was my fault, and if you think I did, well, I can fix that 😄. It was my fault that I was confused about what you were talking about. It was stupid, it was my responsibility, and that doesn't change no matter what the reason or the context was. I admit it.
Ah. And you can accuse me of playing of semantics as much as you want (I am the first to admit that I tend to focus a lot on the literal meaning of things and not so much on their practical use), that doesn't change the veracity of what I am saying .
"Nothing indicates she considers her a boss in any form."
You're right. It's not as like there was a time when Momo honestly admitted that Shamiko was her boss or something... https://www.mangadex.cc/chapter/775923/6 Sarcasm aside (I couldn't help it, I'm sorry), this is one of the reasons I said you're committing a Texas sharpshooter fallacy. I Mentioned this scene before and you ignored it completely (and it's not the first time). If you think that scene proves nothing for some reason or that I am misinterpreting it in some way, then, please tell me why (I mean it, tell me why, don't ignore it). You did it before with the other example I gave, why do you ignore this example?
"If that is what you are insinuating,"
I was. I was insinuating it. I stoped insinuating at the moment I put that link and explain what I meant. At this point, I am telling you directly.
"then sorry to say this, the sharpshooter fallacy applies far more to you. I've actually been telling you this for ages. Why is it that people who have a certain issue always project it onto others? You are the one constantly seeing patterns and connections where there arent any and ignore all evidence to the contrary."
Now I'm curious (I'm not kidding)... According to you, what are the evidences that I have ignored? And what are the patterns I've invented? I ask sincerely.