Remember when this site was advertised as the "ad-free" alternative to aggregators? Now it's just packed pull of shitty Twitter comics and user-uploaded ads for paywalls of no-name "authors" who draw one image for a chapter and copy/paste it with minor changes. Weebs really are the worst subculture.
Yet you made it this far.
Did you really think this was going to evolve into something richly detailed and involving?
More likely you're bitching about about paid content.
its not weebs. its dumb reddit normies that somehow feel the need to virute signal and show off their "morality" on an internet site for epeen.
It still is tho? The popular manga are still being uploaded for you to read them without any annoying ads. I don't understand why you have a problem with those other artists that just like to make shorter content and share them to the internet and the translator who just want to share them to the rest of the world. After all you can just ignore them if you don't like it and just focus on what you like/follow, that's basically what this website is for, they provided you with all these features to help you sort through these massive amount of manga
@lonefire Literally all you did was list buzzwords and not one of them was relevant to my comment. Don't @ me.
@Sisiyoru This chapter was an ad, which means this site already has more than I ever saw on an aggregator site with UBO. I don't have a problem with people making shorter comics. I have a problem with this site being flooded with low-effort spam. Trends like the 100-days and X-for-retweets are all over the front page every day now. I've also seen at least 3 chapters like this, where a translator is willingly advertising some author who has the ego to paywall the laziest type of content on the site. If these things had tags I could filter, I wouldn't be here. I also wouldn't have come to MD at all if people hadn't claimed it's a better experience (it's not).
@izumabakumatsu The idea was to do the same as the Chinese translator and post that image as a chapter, but then I discovered the alternative version, one thing lead to another in the edition process, and ended like this. As a proof of that, you have the "Mimic Sleeping", which was the original name for this chapter XD