My Little Sister Stole My Fiance: The Strongest Dragon Favors Me And Plans To Take Over The Kingdom? - Ch. 13

Oct 18, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@DeathDonut : as long as there are no major threats or disasters an incompetent status quo can last for quite a while, as long as they do not antagonize the masses into revolt. The problem being that this leads to things simmering and growing in magnitude over time so once something goes wrong everything goes to hell.

@Siikalahna : IIRC
i the WN she tries to kill her dad but is stopped by greed (not wanting her to become a killer), and then stops Greed form killing her sis. But has no issue with striping them of their titles and imprisoning them for life, which if kind of worse

@Dragou :
edit: @WhimsiCat your profile picture disturbs me every time
Don't read the text ;)
@zz2000 i guess a great deal of details or inner thoughts from the novels is cut in the manga?
That is true for almost every adaptation, but yes. These manga's are made in part to help sell more books, and under the assumption that anyone as nit-picky as a lot of the smart-asses on this site can get will just be told to read the novel. They are not made to be the only source of the story.

@broadsword80 : He is looking for an excuse to remove a "scandal", not the truth.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Sometimes it seems the dragon king and the offshot dryad are the ONLY characters with common sense, and they aren't even human. And yes, I'm not including the MC.

when's the next chap? this one is too stupid to let hang on the cliff like that..... or is this caught up to raws?
@no168_92 They are caught up, so in one month, more or less. It's on the first page, heh.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
The royal family wasn't without fault either. It didn't even send anyone to confirm what the mage said. And the attitude of the FL family is just systematic of the whole of nobility in that country. (disowning her then pretending to be good and righteous) The dragon is right, it was wrong to expect anything from humans.

Edit: Just deleting my IRL rant.. nothing to see here :Edit
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019

If I tell you that putting meat on your face and walking into a pack of lions is going to get your face eaten, and then you do exactly that and your face gets eaten, you only have yourself to blame.

I know he's not trying to find the truth, but there's a limit to how stupid one can be, especially for a king.
May 13, 2019
If i don't see the king's head on the floor (with the bitch and her frog prince as a bonus) i'm not going to sleep soundly.
Really don't want to see the forgival card here
Aug 24, 2018
Basically the head mage didn't believe the story about the dragon and tricked the king in order to get his revenge. The king most likely also held resentment against her, hence this fools charade.
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
@someunregpunk wait so ... the novel makes the people EVEN DUMBER!?!
I hate plots that rely on everyone being unreasonably stupid to make them work. ESPECIALLY when there was no particular need to make it so excessive.

First of all how COMPLETE GARBAGE is their information network that a dragon could conqure a kingdom and she could return home WITHOUT them knowing anything? Even if she was a bit faster she also had to recover from injury so .... how did not even a carrier pigeon not get back with news in time? At the very least there should be a disruption in their information network like "Something big is happening that we don't understand" which should make them want to know more. But no apparently the fate of their neighboring kingdom is so unimportant they don't keep up to date tabs on them.

Secondly how can they be so determined that dragons don't exist? It's a world of freaking magic even if the dragons keep to themselves mostly there should be enough examples of them bumping into humans to make them roughly accepted as confirmed legends.

Third she came on the back of a lesser dragon monster and with a maid. NO ONE QUESTIONS HOW SHE GOT THOSE!?! She was a normal noble girl before she left home and she just somehow gets this stuff after leaving to "offer herself"? AT THE VERY LEAST there should be some moderate doubt rather than "She's a witch kill her". Instead everyone just ignores any sense of logic or reason as if they all had grudges and just REALLY REALLY wanted to kill her from the start.

On that note is the king just fucking bored out of this mind? What did he even gain from the sham trial? Apparently everyone is already consumed by so much bloodlust they'd look for any excuse to eat someone alive and clearly no one in the entire freaking kingdom had the slightest intention of helping her so WTF was the point? He gained NOTHING with making a show of her "guilt" except make an excuse for greed to kill them all.

Again I REALLY hate plots that use stupidity as an excuse for lazy plot development.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018

I read the notice the first time around, but felt so frustrated at the ending, I forgot about the notice in the first place... lol
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Well then. I guess that's that. Remarkable how they all concluded this.

It's gotta be incompetence if they don't verify the magician's lies and don't even question the what-if, right?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
I'm not gonna lie. They had us the first half. Me at least. I really thought, "Oh...the evil mage is on his own. The king is actually reasonable."

There is only one question left. Why had the guards to die, while the guy, who ordered them, is allowed to live?
Double-page supporter
Mar 23, 2019
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2019
seeing a FUCKING BIG EYE of a FUCKING GIANT DRAGON from a FUCKING CASTLE, then defeating Court Magicians like killing a bugs....
'ordering common soldiers to kill him'

he just went full retard...... never go full retard...

love Greed, just with his entrance alone he wiped out almost all of retard nobles present...

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