“Why are sleeping there”? “You can't your booze”? Mate…Honestly, did I even need to translate this one? You get what they're saying even without the dialogue.
Probably to get us to 99% then let the last 1% be when they sex or confess or w/e climax the author is going for in this version.I'm quite intrigued by the 9%. Why specifically 9%?
I'm quite intrigued by the 9%. Why specifically 9%?
“Why are sleeping there”? “You can't your booze”? Mate…
"It's fiiiiine" I said. "It's, like, three lines or something", I said. "Surely I can just rush through it in half an hour", I said. My hubris was my downfall. I even wrote them down right in the script. I just plain fucked it up at the last second.
Also, on the first page, "The scene she was was the usual..."
I haven't even noticed until your comment lol“Why are sleeping there”? “You can't your booze”? Mate…
I haven't even noticed until your comment lol![]()
I don't know how, but my brain covered for you and autocompleted those lines.Stop looking at my shame! I swear I'm not always this sloppy!
Shhhh. There was nothing to cover for.I don't know how, but my brain covered for you and autocompleted those lines.
Damned edit. Women attack men's status to insult them. Men who haven't had sex are lower status. It doesn't matter if it's true that he's a virgin or not. Why did you think she was mad he's a virgin?Aneki: "I CAN'T GET THE CAP OFF!"
MC (in another room): "Job's not finished." [correction at 9%]
It's a completely coherent sequence, but I'm still perplexed and amused. At any rate, the heroine's so far is interestingly constructed, what with her normally aloof attitude and flashy clothing clashing with her clumsiness and incompetence.
Also, can I say that I don't get the "virgin" insult in general? Like, why are you mad I haven't had sex? And what am I supposed to do about not having had sex? Sex is a two-person activity. Are you gonna do something about my not having had sex?
I just find it amusing, in concept.
Oh, I get all that. It's just that I find the way the insult works funny from a logical standpoint. The applicability of status adds to the hilarity-- I get it on a level, but it's such an odd thing to attach a sense of status to, given all the kinds of circumstances one could be rendered non-virginal.Damned edit. Women attack men's status to insult them. Men who haven't had sex are lower status. It doesn't matter if it's true that he's a virgin or not. Why did you think she was mad he's a virgin?
これで終わり? 話進んでないし短すぎない?
Is this the end? The story hasn't progressed, and isn't it too short?
なんて言うかわからせってこんなのなの? おじさんあんまそっち方面詳しくないから分かんないけど他のラブコメとかギャグ漫画とかではこんな感 じではないよね? いや悪いとは言わないけどそろそろなんかこう、、、いい感じのラブコメシーン欲しいなーっておじさん思っちゃった
Is this what they call a "love comedy"? I'm not really familiar with this genre, so I can't say for sure, but other love comedies or gag manga don't seem like this, right? I mean, I'm not saying it's bad, but I kind of want to see a nice, classic love comedy scene soon.
自分の知ってる 「わからせ」とは違ったみたいだ
It seems like it's different from the "understanding" I’m familiar with.
So that was the "understanding" moment?
The art is so good that I can watch it just for that. The girls are irresistible. The story will progress eventually.
Therizinosaurus for reference:姉貴爪なっが
Sis, your nails are so long—are you a Therizinosaurus or something?
なんか10-20年くらい前のギャルって感じの見た目だ... こんな長い爪(付け爪ではなくスカルプよね?) 今どき見ないし。この時代錯誤な見た目も姉貴 が無理してギャルしてる的な伏線だったりする...?
It looks like the kind of gal from 10-20 years ago... Such long nails (not fake nails, but extensions, right?) are rare these days. Could this outdated look be a hint that Sis is trying too hard to be a gal?
Is it going to gradually increase in percentage like in Mob Psycho?
玄関に寝かせたのは自力で帰ったと思わせるためなのかな 弟に助けられたと解らせて一気に解らせゲージ上げるんじゃなく
Is putting them to sleep at the entrance meant to make it seem like they got home on their own? Instead of letting them understand that they were helped by their younger brother and quickly raising the "understanding" gauge?
I’ve never read an 18+ “understanding,” but the ones in general magazines are usually pretty much a gag, right?
It seems this work came too early for those who just want to see erotic scenes.
People with nails like these make me worry about whether they can properly clean themselves after using the restroom...
Even putting aside the fact that the author is drawing a different route for Ray, it's just plain boring. Couldn’t they at least make it interesting, even if the pages are shorter?
Why is giving water only 9%!?
The closest we got to a "com" so far is watching the girl trying to open a bottle of water. Truly comedic genius!
Right?! He's like "Let me not take credit for saving her from being raped. That'll help her 'understand' how much we care!
Yeah, it just comes across as the author trying to use an actual publication as an ad for her Fanbox. The story's purpose literally hasn't changed despite its quality improving.