Ore Igai Dare mo Saishu Dekinai Sozai na no ni "Sozai Saishuritsu ga Hikui" to Pawahara suru Osananajimi Renkinjutsushi to Zetsuen shita Senzoku Mado…

Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
There was another series that I started reading that looked like it was going to do that and follow the perspective of the party instead of the kicked-out guy, but:

a) Almost as soon as he was kicked out and it was revealed to us that they did it for his own safety they immediately drop all pretense of caring about that to start a somewhat creepy replacement relationship where the lead hero girl (who was the other guy's childhood friend and it was implied they had feelings for one another) starts becoming attracted to the older secondary fighter guy that's still in the party because now she's too weak to fight on her own without the other guy and his support magic.


b) the kicked-out guy discovers his ultimate power and seems to just straight away become a massive asshole who's gonna show everyone he's not weak and it kind of looks like it's setting him up to be a villain they'll have to vanquish.

I think I made it through 2 chapters and decided that was enough.

I have learned though that all these shonen action manga with self-insert viewpoint characters who are downtrodden losers that find ways to discover themselves (heroes with ultimate power after being kicked out of a party, real world nobodies who are isekai'd, overworked people who end up on their own and discover that they're more skilled than they were led to believe, etc) seem to rely on everyone else in the world being jerks because it's loser otaku wish fulfillment. The audience they're trying to reach are kids who are bullied for being weak or weirdos, or salary drones mistreated by their companies, or meek dudes being strung along by their "friends" or significant others. So having the chance for all those jerks to be shown the error of their ways when the noble hero rises up and puts them in their place is supposed to be part of the fantasy, I think. It's repetitive and annoying and kind of sad but it's the angle they go for and we've just got to take it with any story that we think is worth enduring the nonsense for.
sauce please? it make me curious
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2020
Geeze, I feel bad for Lloyd. He suffers so much getting those materials, it seems, and Ruby just doesn't understand the pressure she's giving him. She doesn't even try and help him. She demands perfection, but how can she not see the effort he goes through? Whatever childhood they had doesn't justify treating him as an errand boy.

It looks like while Ruby is an ace alchemist, Lloyd is a master magician. But his job isn't killing monsters, it's gathering ingredients. So of course he'd have a hard time with that.

Luckily, it seems no one really knows his face. Mars and Lera seem to be a good set of friends for him too, even if they do get a bit too lovey-dovey at times. Minerva would have been a great place for him to start a new life. But then he gets mistaken for an evil person by a priest? I'm very interested in where this goes.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
sauce please? it make me curious


It wasn't 2 chapters that I read. I realize now that I read one group's split chapter release then read another's whole chapter release to get the stuff that wasn't included in the split one.

It's not awful awful, and I've seen stories with more edgelord revenge-driven kicked-out heroes and creepier douchebag parties, but all that potential of looking at these tropes from the other side of the coin is tossed away as soon as they can for some pretty generic adventure party junk plus the occasional reminder that there's an OP "weakling" weirdo out there to potentially come back into the main story thread at some point.
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
The guy's very ungrateful given that the girl gives him a chance at having a comfortable life while having to keep up with the constant stress of performing at the peak of her occupation. She never needed to take him with her.

He was not in a position of privilege to complain about her attitude when their lives hinged on her. Now that they're comfortable, he discovers the flaws in her character that were always there as shown in the flashback.

I doubt this manga will actually cover this dynamic and just focus on the protag power tripping as always.
I don't know how the WN goes, but as far as we know how things are going, we only got his perspective of the situation in a single chapter. However, the girl just dismissed his declaration of quitting the job and gave him more work to do for her, so it's likely she's been dismissive of his concerns and does indeed treats him poorly.

At a workplace, it's important for the other party to understand the workflow of their colleagues' work and the dangers and stress it entails, otherwise it becomes easy to just say "I'm the one carrying this company on my back" and throw your coworkers under the bus for your perceived flaws in their methods due to sheer ignorance. If she can't understand how dangerous the work of an assistant that gathers materials is, having to deal with week-long trips to dangerous places filled with giant worms and other mortal perils, it stands to reason she would think less of an assistant's job and refuse to address his valid complaints.

Yes, she gave him the opportunity to live a better life than poverty, and for everyone who doesn't understand what his workplace life is like, having to deal with mortal perils at every turn and then see his entire work be thrown in the trash without a second of hesitation, he may come across as ungrateful. But if life working under her is so hard that he considers abandoning the life of serving nobility to go back to poverty starting his life from scratch to be a better option, that says a lot more about her than it says about him.

It seems he understands her work and appreciates it, but she doesn't understand his and just dismisses him at every turn. We need more chapters to understand if that's truly the case, but so far that seems to be it.
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
The premise is strange to me. How do they quantify the 40% material gathering rate, and how does it not take into account the quality of the materials gathered?
Qualification is done likely by how many materials they gathered are actually used. A good gatherer will be able to separate usable materials from unusable ones (like rotten plants or inedible mushrooms), and probably avoid damaging the goods during transportation.

It doesn't matter how high quality the material is, if the girl isn't satisfied and refuses to use it, his gathering percentage is dropped. It's possible his average would be above 90% as well if he were working for anyone else.
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
Why does he have to have insane magic? Why cant he just be good at getting rare materials only? Would be a lot more interesting than this super generic plot.
Because gathering materials, especially the high quality ones she wants and isn't willing to accept anything bellow, require him to go through far more dangerous places inhabited by far more powerful creatures than your average mage would be required to deal with. Either he becomes really powerful or dies.

This is not a super generic plot simply because he's strong. One Punch Man took the invincible archetype and turned it upside down by making Saitama's strength be the reason why he can't find satisfaction anymore. So far all we have to judge the story is his perceived failure as a gatherer, his broken relationship with his childhood friend who abused him, his desire for a better life and the couple that begins travelling with him admiring his magic power. That in itself doesn't cement the story in "super generic" territory, it's just the introduction.

Let's wait and see how things play out in the following chapters. If he comes out and says having that much magic power means nothing if he can't do his job properly and the narrative follows on it, then the manga has a point to make by having him be this strong earlier on, and it is how it develops from there that will give it its identity.

But if the narrative makes him solve all of his conflicts by having superior magical power, then yes, that will make it be generic.
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
This still makes zero sense. Numbers or not, how come NOBODY realizes the kind of monsters he kills?

I mean, I'm going to read it but it's still a pathetic excuse for how people don't realise that he's actually strong.
Everyone knows that he retrieves 40% of the components. Fine, but somebody has got to notice that he's not retrieving "toad's tongue" but rather "supreme dragons brains".

Yes I get it, it's the "silly" premise for the story to start, but at this point even the "My achievements are being stolen by some noble guy" trope is better than this.
Most people also don't realize the work it takes to make a new game an just complain that "this open world isn't big enough" or "it's taking too long, it must be cancelled", or my favorite, "let's just get our single player engine and make an MMORPG with it!". The latter one being Square Enix's top executives forcing the dev team to use their custom engine to work on something it was never meant to, but since they don't understand how it works, they think they can just tell their developers to do it.

It's not a "silly" premise for the story. I also worked at a shoe store and had people complain to me that I took too long to get the stuff they asked or even leave the store while I was in the storage room picking everything they asked in record time, simply because they don't realize how much it can take to find something even in an organized place, especially when we don't carry the exact model or color the client asked for and we have to scavenge the products we do have to find something similar just to avoid getting back empty handed.

I also used to walk by a restaurant during its closing hours, and there would always be a group of people doing the cleaning and preparations for the food. I also worked at other places where we would have to stay behind after closing the store to clean up and reorganize the products the clients put in disarray. There are plenty of anime and manga talking about the background work that never gets noticed.

This is only a "silly" premise for you because you don't understand the dissonance that exists in real life. For anyone that has been through what the MC is experiencing, this is a very relatable issue!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
If this goes the generic "oh wow I actually miss this guy so much how could I have not known his potential for the last 10 years" I'm gonna be disappointed, would rather this be just a story about how he starts his new life again
Get ready to be disappointed, cause that's exactly where it looks like it's headed
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
Yeah, this type of story are tagged kick out/betrayal in novel update

Yeah, I read an article about it once. Apparently, that because they are so many new titles now that people doesn't take the time to read the synopsis or the first chapter anymore. Most people only look at the cover before buying. So, an author decided to make a long title that can also be used as a synopsis. That work, and others copy it, that also work and here we are.
The article end by saying it's basically a loop. When most manga will have annoying long titles, one author will make a short title to stand out, and we will return to the start.
And before you even ask, I completely forgot where I read it. It was a magazine some years ago, sorry.
This makes sense. And it’s a lot harder to make short titles. Kinda like branding. It’s easier to do something like “Chicken Brand Mushroom Dessicator” but it’s much harder to sell “Neoprof” without attracting someone’s attention to explain the context.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
1st chapter got TL'ed at light speed
I thought it would like that MC had no talent in monsters drop rate but is probably more that the red bitch sent him to farm legendary stuff and he became a super fighter, as they were orphans depending on each other they didn't get information on what is normal, therefore MC doesn't realize what he is gathering is impossibly hard to get and bitch thinks is normal stuff.
Most likely she will start to being unable to do anything and after doing actual research realize that her talent is average or mediocre and that it was simply impossible to faila commission with MC high rank ingredients.

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