Rettoujin no Maken Tsukai: Skill Board wo Kushi Shite Saikyou ni Itaru - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Eargard and the board of skills

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 18, 2018
This is basically Skyrim/Elder Scrolls
You got a skill board, but you have to choose the right skills so you could be useful
And I bet a lot of those 'fancy' skills need a prerequisite or another skill to support. Like maybe you need 'reduce casting time', 'reduce consumed SP' and 'debuff nullification' because 'God Spell: Cataclysm' apparantly takes 2 days to cast, consumes 9999 SP, and put a 'Death Curse' for any mortal that casted it

Anyway, bookmarked

Currently Earth doesnt have overseer God, because He already left. All of those 'God has left' memes are true *lol*

As a gamer, that is the best way to eat chips. No more dirty fingers
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2018
I kinda like just the idea that the world that people are sent to, is actually hell. Kinda gives this somewhat hopeful idea of the after life, like some kind of new belief. Imagine that, pseudo taoism/buddhism/hinduism, where you aren't specifically reincarnated into this world, but another world where you just have a higher chance of dying from nature, but also higher potential for greatness. Also, seems MC doesn't just have OP skills, he has literally ALL the skills. IIRC, only other isekai series that does something like that, where MC can choose their skills, was Kuma ga desu ka (the spider one), but I'm sure there are others I've forgotten.
May 19, 2018
The actual reason people die so much
Is because nobody picked the limit break skill so they all stuck at lvl 1
Dec 29, 2018
And another applicant for the "Shitty Gods Club".
"Here, have a skill board. I'll throw you into a world that'll 99% kill you within days. Further explanations? Nah, it'll be fine. Eating chips is more important."
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
Truck-kun got his job stolen by Dimensional Rift-kun. Truck-kun is now unemployed and sad.
Jan 22, 2018
Wait, why would you distribute all your stat points evenly? Aren't good gamers supposed to min-max their everything?
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2019
Anyone have a link to the novel? Or the guy who drew the cover for the novel, it looks really good
Sep 8, 2019

It depends really.

For now, all he knows that he has access to are stats and some skills. He doesn't know whether new skills will be unlocked as time goes on, or the requirements to increase other skills etc.

Whilst min-maxing can be good, there's no point in making your strength amazing if you're slow and you'll die in 1 hit.

Personally, I would have used the memories I had (since the guy clearly remembered the body of the guy dying), to find a temporary safe place. After reviewing the stats to see my base stats and what I can customise, I would review all the skills, and probably pick a few to test how skills worked (e.g. Are descriptions literal?). Then I'd pick out the skills and stats most suitable, but work with slight increments of individual stats to see how much a single stat point affected by actual body and whether there was a threshold where it was no longer noticeable. Probably leaving around 10-100 SP (depending on costs etc) in the case of an emergency. It would also be a good idea to find out the requirements to gain SP before immediately dumping it all into something.

At least, that's how I would do it as a self-proclaimed gamer. It also depends on whether they want to go solo or in a team (which they can't fully decide without interacting with people in the world, so they would probably need to go by the bodies memories). If they're in a team, they would be able to rely on other (possible min-maxers) to help cover their weaknesses if they chose to min-max, but non-reincarnateds don't seem to have a skill board, so that would likely not be plausible considering other reincarnateds all supposedly die pretty fast. If they're solo, min-maxing with 1 life would be their downfall. A single mistake could lead to their death. They have to be prepared to kill monsters as well as kill other people, but not only that, they have to be able to defend themselves from monsters and people without usage of attacking.

There's also lots of other things for him to think about.

TL:Dr, dumping all your stats evenly isn't the best idea, but going for min-maxing without knowing more about how that world works would result in him dying immediately. The body's memories seem to show that the guy got betrayed, so they likely were naive and other memories/knowledge may be unreliable. We don't even know whether he remembers everything from the body before, since he realised they were a hunter from the skill board, and also said that they don't know what they did before to get a good body.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
The Biggest Problem i have with this Series is, WHY EAT POTATO CHIP WITH CHOPSTICKS!!!!!

@aerozext: Be careful on what you wish for.
Remember, that God is actually formless, and would take different form depending on the person in-front.
What if you face that God, and it turns into a burly man with chest full of hairs.
Jan 22, 2018
See, you don't have 'lets spread my sp to all stats evenly' as the first thought when you see a status board and I don't know but the whole thing you said sounds like min-maxing to me.
Maybe I just conflate the idea of min-maxing and optimizing build.
Sep 8, 2019

Idk, my understanding of min-maxing is you pick a single skill or stat and you centre your build specifically around that one stat/skill. Not sure whether the term allows for increasing other stats to, for example, not die after a single/couple of hits. Granted, MMORPGs unfortunately died out before I started gaming, so I've never actually come across a game with such functionality that allows min-maxing.

I would increase my stats evenly to a base point though, where all stats are acceptable.

But if I'm being 100% honest, the very first action that I'd do the moment I see a status board or similar GUI, is to briefly skim over every page and every sub-page etc to find everything that is available, then systematically go over each page in more detail. Then again, I'm also the kind of player that will go looking through every corner of a map, invading random NPC houses to see if I can find something valuable.

Anyways, what a good gamer is, is very debatable, and min-maxing falls under one of the ways that you can progress a character. Eventually, it all comes down to preferences.

Though, he never said he was a good gamer, just that online gaming is his only respite after being clearly overworked, so he probably doesn't even have that much time to devote to gaming.... is what I would say, but looking back at the panel, it says he's good at it and shows what looks to be a desktop RPG.

Although, it seems that he was asking whether himself whether he should distribute the stats equally or not (likely because he doesn't know much about the world, nor how much 1000 SP is actually worth, so that seems like a reasonable thought) - but then he decides to check the skills before changing stats. That seems like a very reasonable decision to me.

EDIT: Min-maxing is a form of optimisation, though it seems that this is debated by some people. At the very least, they're very similar.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@Kaan - "min-maxing" usually means becoming an extreme specialist. Like, maximizing your ability to hurl fireballs at the expense of physical strength and survivability.
It is an acceptable approach if you're going to be a programmer in a high-tech society, where you can expect other people to do physical stuff and face danger for you.
A fantasy adventurer can't really afford that. Even "frail" mages have to be fit enough to run away from angry peasant crowds.

Min-maxing kind of works when you're a part of a party controlled by the singular will of a player, coupled with his perfect knowledge and time control ability. More realistic adventurer parties end up with damage-dealers dying a lot. Just recently I played a MMORPG, and went to a dungeon. Average damage-dealer in the group died twice, the tank (me), died once, and healer seemed to die a lot. That was fine, because player characters in that MMORPG resurrected easily, but most isekai stories are unwilling to grant their MCs unlimited self-resurrection.

Thus, there are three serious approaches:
* getting a balanced character that can do a little bit of everything, and is particularly good at something you'll find out to be your forte later.
* getting a broken character that can do one thing so well, everything begins to look like a nail. You'll find crafters, pokemon-users and magic-users most susceptible to this approach.
Magi Craft Meister is a manga about a particularly impressive specialist.
* investing in survivability at the expense of everything else. Bofuri manga is a fine example of this approach, but anime has plenty of immortals, like MCs from 3x3 eyes and Re:Zero. If you live, you'll be able to learn whatever is worth learning.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2019
I think that min-maxing refers to optimizing your capability with a task or objective in mind, not necessarily focus around a stat or ability.
From Wikipedia:
"The practice of playing a role-playing game, wargame or video game with the intent of creating the "best" character by means of minimizing undesired or unimportant traits and maximizing desired ones."
In this case, the "objective" is to have the best possible character.

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