Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Sense of distance

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
its interesting how our views on the cafe lady changed. Now she is considered as "dirty" to kaede. When we find out she's just messing with other men, she's just as lost now.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Yeah true, as I've said before if he gets back with tsubasa I will drop this shit

He's a minor too though? Also they haven't met yet so there's no way to know if they would be attracted to each other, however seeing as they have gone through similar experiences they might find common ground
They know each other, they were in the same Middleschool that's why he ran the last time he's seen her in the shop with Tsubasa, but not because he hates her or anything he's just afraid, since he doesn't know what she thinks/knows about the incident
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
its interesting how our views on the cafe lady changed. Now she is considered as "dirty" to kaede. When we find out she's just messing with other men, she's just as lost now.
The thing is, if Seto knew about it, who's to say she wouldn't be on the same level as his old teacher, since in his mind she slept with him just for the sake of it and not out of love.. In that sense she's sleeping around without feelings just for the sex
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
He's a minor too though?
The point is minor. Apologies, but I could not respond without sarcasm, especially given the vibes of "she defended me, it must be that she likes me"
Also they haven't met yet
They were classmates I think? They know of one another to the point that they can recognize each other three years later. While she is sympathetic to his trauma, she otherwise expresses no desire to get closer to him.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2023
They were classmates I think? They know of one another to the point that they can recognize each other three years later. While she is sympathetic to his trauma, she otherwise expresses no desire to get closer to him.
Doesn't mean that they have talked
"she defended me, it must be that she likes me"
That is not what I said, I literally said that they can sympathize with each other since they have gone through something similar, read the whole message before answering
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
In the end, just like he put his trauma on Tsubasa without any regards to how she would receive it, MC repeats the same thing with the owner but now gets properly called out for it. He has to realize that other people have their own bagage and are not there to be his therapist.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
Doesn't mean that they have talked
And so far there's no conceivable plot reason in the manga for them to ever talk.
I literally said that they can sympathize with each other since they have gone through something similar
And you also brought up the fact that she DEFENDED him as something that makes them more compatible
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2023
Dex-chan lover
Jul 1, 2018
Waow super interesting chapter. I feel like she just got fleshed out to much more "actual person" levels rather than the ideal of caring that she was inhabiting. She's an adult! She has a sex life! She has some trauma but she's probably handling it in a not too terrible way! Ultimately she's most likely still a really good, if maybe a little overly detached person!? I don't know!
Totally. This manga never fails to deliver, especially in terms of "realness" of all its characters. A flashy gyaru type? Guess what, she has a strong moral compass and isn't afraid to speak up for those she deems wronged. Soft and caring mommy type? She has a life outside of the café, and healing our MC's wounds is not her primary goal in life.

Basically I just want this entire manga injected in my veins. And I also want all of them to be happy. That's all, thank you.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 17, 2023
It amazes me that there's people in this board talking about having a FWB relationship or casual sex as a red flag or a bad trait in a woman. One wonders if they would think the same about a man having that kind of behaviour.
The shaming on the cafe owner is wild... we all know they'd call a guy having FWB relationships a "gigachad" or something...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 17, 2023
From how I see it, Rio sees Kaede as a cute kid the same way you'd see your baby cousins as cute. She's amazed at how genuine he is because she's jaded at this point. She's not considering him as a potential partner at all. For Kaede, he finally found an adult female outside of family that he feels he can trust and is mistaking his comfort with her for love. It's basically him trying to cope.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2023
She really remind me of Nazuna here. With the whole thing about being comfortable about sex but incredibly flustered by any talk about romance.
Anyway, It seems like she is going to hit him with a reality check. I'm expecting her to talk to him about the hard learned lesson that we all go through about confusing love with infatuation. I just hope she doesn't get too cynical as it seems she had a particularly bad experience at some point.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2020
she said she didnt love or like anyone nor lf a romantic relationship so why did she naked with some random dude? Why are relationships in this story so toxic??
Like she said to Kaede, she be said to us too. There's tons of different types of emotions and relationships. Tsubasa wants a romantic relationship but not sexual. Their classmate is similar to Tsubasa. He treasure friendships but doesn't really want sex. Rio for some reason has commitment issues. She doesn't want a relationship but wants the sex. ALL of those are fine! Well, minus Tsubasa. She needs help.

We don't know shit about Rio or the guy. He may not be random to her. He knows her preferences well enough though. There's literally nothing wrong with only wanting sex if both people understand the conditions. Going straight to "they're toxic" isn't the best. So far the only real toxicity show was Kaede's rapist and Tsubasa victim blaming.
Active member
Mar 9, 2023
Hopefull the FWB relationship can be depicted as non-toxic and the guy acts like a decent human being for once.
Double-page supporter
Feb 7, 2020
yeeeeah, I voiced concern about this earlier but the more chapters I read the more this seems like boy's abyss where every single character has a "2deep4u" backstory and no one's ever aloud to be happy or even normal because there's always some new brand of bs being brought up.

For instance my boy fresh from some relationship because of a girl who's weirdly extremely against sex just so he could barrel into another woman who's strangely against romantic feelings, probably because she was cheated on in the past or some other edgey explanation. Not saying the woman isn't justified to turn him down, because he just sperged out about love after getting the slightest bit of "affection" from a woman (although he's supposedly deathly afraid of women, but that was tossed aside for this plot point) but I can already sense she's not about to gently explain why he's misunderstanding his feelings.

Might be checking out of this story here, maybe give it a few more chapters to prove me wrong but not too optimistic
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
yeeeeah, I voiced concern about this earlier but the more chapters I read the more this seems like boy's abyss where every single character has a "2deep4u" backstory and no one's ever aloud to be happy or even normal because there's always some new brand of bs being brought up.
So far I disagree with Boy's Abyss comparisons. Sure, time and space seem to have been condesend in Sensitive Boy so that characters with various perspectives on relationships are all convinietly gathered up and parade around Kaede. But whereas Boy's Abyss has melodrama to tell, Sensitive Boy has ideas to tell, albeit it is too patronizing at doing that.

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