Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Ch. 106

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Yep, now she is going to throw him to the side now that she has the change to work with professional people. Gojo you deserve better than her anyway, go find yourself a girl that actually loves you
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2019
I agree with most of what you said, but it's important to note:
He spends what must at this point be hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of yen to make her as happy as she can possibly be in her hobby.
this is technically wrong, it's been mentioned in passing, but marin covers all material costs and provides a commission fee on top of that for gojo. and so he properly treats it like a job. so while yes he is spending many hours indeed, he is being compensated for that time, in addition to the time he spends with marin (the only thing I'm not sure of is how the cosplay for the school event arc was handled because marin doesn't keep it (presumably, she has no pictures of it), so I assume the school kept it, and gave each class some budget? dunno how those things work), ao the relationship is not entirely give without receiving anything, but can be said to be so emotionally.

you could say their relationship is literally entirely for money.
Jul 22, 2024
Further cosplaying would means nothing to Marin if without the participation of Gojo, though Marin may had mentioned she wants to start her career as a pro cosplayer in last chapter before Gojo’s phone rang, but this was what she think before knowing Gojo had to spent hours everyday on dolls practicing, and this decision is as well based on continued with Gojo with all the cosplaying stuffs/ makeup (makeup by Gojo should be one of the parts Marin most enjoyed - with Gojo’s hand on her chin and looking at her face closely and intensely). However Marin shown not much ambitious in getting famous before, otherwise she would has much well planned her cosplaying schedule/ registering her cosplaying social acc. If without having Gojo to made her the cosplay customs and fall in love with him from the very beginning, Marin is sure no problem in going on cosplaying, but now if without him cosplaying may only meant a trauma to Marin instead.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
It's happening mumuahaahahahahaahaha 😈
Dream on. Notice how the fapfest for the Haniel cosplay in the story's universe was swept aside for the moment, so the focus is on the pair? I'm guessing there must have been some bad feedback for the Haniel arc, for good reason.
Even the childhood trauma's resolution, which was probably meant to be a big arc of its own, was wrapped up really fast
Active member
Apr 12, 2019
The author REALLY doesn't do drama well. To top it off he's basically just copying textbook examples of BAD stereotypical romance series drama arcs, all of which boil down to "this is easily solved by just asking one question or two that anybody in real life would have". Heck, Gojo's childhood trauma from having whatsherface insult him could have been good if the author didn't seemingly forget about it for almost the entirety of the manga and then throw it at us at the same time the stereotypical drama is starting.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
I'm glad the cousins got a bit of that closure, anyways damn Marin no longer wants to ask Gojou for cosplays? Jeez...
I think I read a version of this with Sauce Codes that ended this way, except that there was this big guy with his arm around her...
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021

Go to nhentai. You can find (cosplaying) vanilla versions but you'll have to make sure you avoid the NTR ones. The NTR ones are the ones where Marin doesn't need Wakana to make her costumes any longer.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
i'm just more surprised unless the other ppl didn't know that she wouldn't have been immediately scolded/reprimanded since it also indirectly insulted the grandfather who made them too lol

and oof, seems like they need to communicate more but even if she did 'permanently retire' from cosplaying i'd imagine some ppl would still wanna remain friends and stuff (tho it makes me wonder, nothing wrong with outgrowing hobbies, but be cool to see ppl in their 50s making/designing cosplay outfits for themselves/group of friends and going to cons)
Active member
Jun 2, 2019
@Billzilla2000 @Meth0d @Endominus
Oh boy, I absolutely had to get in on this discussion because I've been on every which side of this, so I'd like to share my perspective. So I am clinically diagnosed with CPTSD due to an abusive background. It involved a bunch of crap that lead me to develop really bad codependency. For those of you who don't know or understand codependency, people with codependency tend to struggle with setting healthy boundaries (or any boundaries,) tend to want to "rescue/save/fix" or "mother" people (we're often the caretaker sorts with a bad tendency to meddle,) and we also tend to struggle a lot with people pleasing (often from a root fear of abandonment or rejection.) Lastly, codependents often feel a strong need to be needed, (and this usually comes through as a feeling of needing to be useful/not a burden.) So Gojou is 100% a codependent sort, Marin is not. She is dependent on him, she is not codependent. Just wanted to clarify that. She's the opposite where she doesn't people please at all, as she is self rooted. What she is though is perfect codependency bait. She cannot sew, she cannot cook, and even though she loves cosplaying, she doesn't have much experience with cons (as seen when she didn't know how to end the photoshoot.) What she is doing, unknowingly in her case, is using weaponized incompetence.
Adding more onto this from my perspective, I've been in a lot of abusive relationships because codependents tend to draw people with a lot of narcissistic traits, but I luckily got out of that hell loop and wound up with an amazing husband. After lots of therapy, I've learned how to set healthy boundaries and how to better communicate, but also how to have a healthier balance with my partner so that I don't inadvertently end up picking up too much of the mental and emotional load of the relationship (and also inadvertently letting resentment build up, only to break down over it later when I inevitably get overwhelmed.)
So while, yes, in a healthy relationship you don't typically keep score of how much each person has done for the other, unbalanced distribution of responsibilities aren't the same thing. Like no one goes, "What did I do for you? Well I introduced you to Jen, and now you two are besties!" "Well I learned your favorite dish recipe from your mom to be able to make it for you!" Those kind of things aren't tracked. But things like the mental and emotional burden of a relationship are supposed to be balanced/equal. Because if they're not, eventually that will cause tension, because eventually it does wear down on a person, even if that person wanted to do the task or whatever. Say a person wanted to be the stay at home parent, but then their partner left that responsibility entirely up to them, stating they were too tired from work to help. Even if that's the set up they agreed upon, eventually the stay at home parent is going to reach their limit. So you have to balance it. That's the issue here. There's zero balance between Marin and Gojou. Marin doesn't add anything to the scales. It's completely lopsided.
Think about it. The whole start to the manga was that Marin can't sew, so she can't make her own costumes to cosplay. But she makes money, right? Why didn't she simply take sewing lessons? Once she befriended Gojou, why not then at least attempt to learn sewing from him, or continue to try to learn how to sew in the meantime while paying Gojou until she does learn? Why not use cosplays bought online or something, especially for cons that are coming up fast and pay Gojou to tailor them so he doesn't have to make one from scratch on a time crunch? Why not do anything to lessen the burden she's placed on him and do anything to reach a point where she's not dependent on him? I think it's been shown pretty clearly that she's not considerate of him at all, at least and most importantly, through her actions.
Back to her weaponized incompetence and Gojou's codependency. If Gojou had healthy boundaries in place, when Marin asked him to make her cosplay, he should have been able to say, "While I would love to help, unfortunately I simply don't have the time and resources to do so." (Given that he has to practice his doll making at least 3 hours a day on top of school work and such.). And if Marin didn't use weaponized incompetence, she should have been able to say, "I suck at sewing, but I really want to learn so I can do more cosplays. I would love it if you could teach me, at least to get me started, not indefinitely. I'll of course pay you for your time." Or say, "I suck at cooking, I know, and I appreciate you offering to make me meals, but like with the sewing, I should really learn to do this for myself." ..but then the story would have never taken off, lol.
So yeah, I don't think most people realize that their relationship started because they're both unhealthy and the relationship was unbalanced from the start and could only get more toxic as it continued if it didn't change from how it initially started and evolved into a more balanced one.
I know some people might disagree with me, but I actually like Marin's character. She's spoiled, self centered, and irresponsible, so those around her pick up the slack for her...but they do it because they love her, and they love her because she's a genuine person whose actions aren't from malice, but from a sort of pure inner child. She's selfish because she's immature and I think that's a great representation of a teen. What's insidious about these sort of relationships is that you have to stop enabling her for her to get better, which involves those around her to develop better boundaries - as someone who hasn't had to take responsibility for herself, Marin wouldn't have the self awareness to even know where to begin improving her character. So while people might want Marin to change, the change actually needs to start with Gojou. I do hope he finally expresses his own desires in the next arc and I do think the mangaka has set that up for him, so I'm excited.
Jul 23, 2024
ik this event's when the girl make a mistake and leave the MC (for his sake "apparently") and be cold with him, so he goes to her giving her a sweet talk like a dog trying to get back to his owner who left him, bro whhhy i hate this shit like why she is the one who made the mistake and started to be cold to MC but he is the one who run for her trash event ever

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