On 4: THe original has wingdings for the street name so I just used Clark. As in Clark Kent. Ill be using DC heros' real names as street names that are wingdinged because I'm unimaginative and I think It's funny.
7: It could very well be the traffic light its talking about but I interpreted it a different way since I don't think the first 2 bubbles are spidey talking. So I read it as the announcer calling Spidey a "red signal"
11: It is but its left out on purpose. He already says that he is "escaping reality" so I thought it would be redundant to have him say that he can't tell the truth about why he's there. But Looking back there is a way I could have put it in.
In general Im still pretty new to this so there's going to be some minor slips here and there. And if i'm being honest, I kinda rushed it so that another group wouldn't beat me to it.
P.S Although it may sound like an excuse; I'm also in the school of thought that I should keep quality lower so that it gives people a reason to go get the official release. That's both mine and my partners view on it
Thanks for the feedback!