Teisou Gyakuten Sekai no Doutei Henkyou Ryoushu Kishi

Apr 30, 2023
I know that Japanese men tend to be pretty small, but even they are generally stronger than the women over there, so the stupid mangakas writing these gender reversed stories should know that there needs to be some kind of explanation as to why the men of their mangas are so easily dominated. Just saying hurr durr there's lots more womenz doesn't explain it. If anything, you would think that the strongest men would just be building massive harems and having the women do all the work, since that's how it's almost always been throughout our history. Why not just throw in some crap like reversed sexual dimorphism, where the females in the manga are stronger than the males, or only the women can use magic, or any number of other gimmicks. That way, they could still draw their lewds and still have the story make some sort of sense.

Also, why the hell is the queen wearing something that would give her a perma-wedgie? I get that it's just for the fan service, but that also goes completely against logic since that's gotta be uncomfortable as fuck.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
I know that Japanese men tend to be pretty small, but even they are generally stronger than the women over there, so the stupid mangakas writing these gender reversed stories should know that there needs to be some kind of explanation as to why the men of their mangas are so easily dominated. Just saying hurr durr there's lots more womenz doesn't explain it. If anything, you would think that the strongest men would just be building massive harems and having the women do all the work, since that's how it's almost always been throughout our history. Why not just throw in some crap like reversed sexual dimorphism, where the females in the manga are stronger than the males, or only the women can use magic, or any number of other gimmicks. That way, they could still draw their lewds and still have the story make some sort of sense.
the skewed sex ratio does make some sense, since the weight of numbers will eventually overcome individual prowess even if our existing dimorphism is the same. even when polygyny or concubinage was still largely practiced, the male-female ratio was even so men's physical dominance still matter. but the ratio in the setting is 1 male per 10 females, which is ridiculous; even modern China following its selective abortion during its one-child policy period has only a 104:100 ratio, and that's already a disaster. these force disparity also assumes all men are fit for battle, which they aren't.

another argument could also be made the society teaches men not to fight, and men as a result cannot leverage their strength well. you can see in modern times how quite a few men cannot protect themselves and are fine with their weakness. while they should have a stronger body, they have not trained it, and as a result look like potatoes. some are even happy and look down on having a stronger body, because they view such an appearance as backwards (e.g. barbarian).

but there are some weird things, of course.
  • even if all the men in the setting decided to be femboys, puberty is still a thing. the hormonal changes means they will gain height, at least a bit of muscle mass, and grow hair. so the effeminate men shown so far should either be younger than teens, somehow puberty-blocked, or specifically selected from their appearance. it's possible that generations of selective breeding in conjunction with different sex standards have resulted in largely effeminate men.
  • if the setting has a 1:10 sex ratio, then there is also something different about how their reproduction works. IRL the ratio comes from how women contribute X and men contribute either X or Y, giving only 2 results at an even rate. their men must only give Y at a very low rate or have very small Y spermatozoa, and as a result gives low Y (male) success.
  • given that women's beauty/aesthetics are often attributed to their role as the weaker sex, it's strange how the setting retains them. fighting in plate is hard. war is hard. pulling a bow or even handling a crossbow is hard. it makes more sense for capable men to play "hero" roles and for women to play lighter or support roles. so women in this setting must have greater strength than women IRL, maybe due to selective breeding, or else this wouldn't make sense.
  • i don't know why the queen is dressed like that. IRL, that would've been considered too provocative. even kings IRL didn't dress like that. leaders are required to present themselves in a way that demands respect from their people. if the culture respects strength, then you get fit and put on armor or keep a blade. if the culture respects beauty, then you looksmax. the culture here seems to want cute boys, so why does she not have a harem of them in sight? i mean, my eyes are happy but this is inconsistent.
i can probably nitpick more, but generally i wouldn't look too deep into it. at least this story isn't going the "women are stronger than men" approach to reverse morality because that's even harder to keep consistent.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2019
So we can accept Isekai, and magic and fantasy... but the thought that humans in a fantasy world could have different genetic and chemical coding is what breaks suspension of disbelief?

Testosterone and Estrogen could work differently, the MC has functionally been being a bodybuilder his whole life to get to that size and strength.

I think a lot of the harems are probably brothel owners and some of the nobility, though it is probably still problematic with that ratio, but you could still theoretically have a decent size population with more women since you only need one guy to fertilize multiple ladies. There might be some genetic issues from inbreeding at some point but I'm not going down the rabbit hole that much.

And I'm pretty sure the chastity belt and commentary around it is mostly him trying to not get labelled the fantasy world's equivalent of a slut in our world.

It's not like males are dominant in all of nature either.
Double-page supporter
Apr 4, 2023
Most. Annoying. MC. Ever.

The setting and other characters are fine. But fuck this manga, I can't get past the MC.
my dude just doesn't want anyone to notice his boner ffs, and it absolutely fit in with this world building.
reading comprehensionnnnnn :notlikethis:
Apr 21, 2020
why are women still beautiful and graceful? in a world with so few men, so many women, and men are expected to be girly wouldnt women start to take on the masculine role? breasts and ass are evolved to appeal to men, if appeal isnt needed then those assets would fade and all women would become dumpy in appearance to better hold useful muscle instead of attractive curves.

You've got the cause and effect reversed.

Women's breasts and ass are not "evolved to appeal to men". Women have big asses because their pelvises are wider and tilted to accommodate birthing children. Also, breasts are obviously for feeding babies. The fact that men find these things attractive is because, subconsciously, we want the most capable child bearing partner.

As long as they are still the ones giving birth in this Isekai world then their anatomy wouldn't change.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
You've got the cause and effect reversed.

Women's breasts and ass are not "evolved to appeal to men". Women have big asses because their pelvises are wider and tilted to accommodate birthing children. Also, breasts are obviously for feeding babies. The fact that men find these things attractive is because, subconsciously, we want the most capable child bearing partner.

As long as they are still the ones giving birth in this Isekai world then their anatomy wouldn't change.
your conflating things in both cases, wide hips and small ass's are still possible and women with small breasts are still capable of child-rearing.

humans are 3d creatures so sizes are in 3 directions a large ass is large in all 3 a small ass is only large in 1. men are attracted to both (because men sexualize anything related to women) but the former is predisposed to humans. this can be seen even in our monkey relatives. but what can we NOT see in our monkey ancestors? breasts. they can still child-rear like any other mammal but since they arent standing upright a majority of the time evolving 'front asses' like humans was unneeded

if men were attracted purely to womens ability to breastfeed like your saying then humans would have evolved multiple nipples instead of enlarged breasts. any correlation between breast size and milk production has never been found outside of the normal enlargement from pregnancy

in otherwords breasts and ass size serve their original purpose like your alluding too so wouldnt disappear but the aspects of them that were evolved for purely aesthetic reasons would fade when men are claimed instead of seduced and evolution would make use of these unneeded nutrients for other things, such as muscle-mass leading to a more dumpy appearance
Jan 4, 2019
my biggest complaint about manga like this is the author never puts any thought into the implications of a woman centric world.

why would men be expected to fiddle with flowers? if women are attracted to girlishness in this world there is no reason to be go after men when there is so much women around. it would make far more sense that every man born would be forced to rise to the occasion and prove themselves worthy of being favored by so much women. which would result in some truely brutal male tyrants (like a world full of human ganondorfs) and so would be absolutely ripped

why are women still beautiful and graceful? in a world with so few men, so many women, and men are expected to be girly wouldnt women start to take on the masculine role? breasts and ass are evolved to appeal to men, if appeal isnt needed then those assets would fade and all women would become dumpy in appearance to better hold useful muscle instead of attractive curves.

why are women keeping harems of men? women harems were common in history because a woman can only get pregnant from one man at a time while men can impregnate multiple women in a day. in a world were there are 10 women for every man then sharing men would be the only way to maintain population and trying to horde a man, let alone multiple men, could lead to unrest.

none of it makes sense, the only reason i havent dropped it is i like the main character so far
Have you ever read the book A Brother's Price? The author actually spent some time thinking about the implications of a heavily skewed sex ratio, and it's a much more interesting piece because of it.

  1. Similar to this, about a 10:1 ratio.
  2. The book revolves around aristocracy and landowners, who need heirs to pass down their land to.
  3. Setting is kinda wild-west (early guns, cannons, and swords).
  4. Men are extremely valuable for their rarity, but this value also makes them risky - bandits raiding homesteads to steal husbands, then selling them to stud for women desperate for children.
  5. Women are forced to marry in groups of "sisters," because otherwise there wouldn't be enough babies born.
  6. Sisters are often forced to trade their brothers for money (hence the title of the book) to buy a suitable husband from other families - men have little say in this because...
  7. Men therefore have basically no rights. They need to make babies to keep society functioning, and if they refuse the deal their sisters find, that could lead to their families losing everything. In fact, people are surprised that the main character knows how to read because most men are never taught; it's not seen as necessary since most of their value comes from "between their legs" so to speak.
It's a great book, and I don't want to spoil more than the backstory for you if you do decide to read it. The book is worth it for the worldbuilding alone; it actually feels like the author is trying to communicate the situation and values of a different world - a small example is that the main character at one point laments that he rarely gets a chance to simply talk with men outside his own family; a man is cloistered and kept out of others' eyes like women in an old Muslim household, lest some lusty woman force themselves on him (again, because it is women who are the more expendable sex in that world, they are often expected to be more martially inclined and aggressive than the men, which only further solidifies their primacy in the social hierarchy). It is a romance novel, so expect some of the tropes of that genre, but it's honestly very readable.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
Have you ever read the book A Brother's Price? The author actually spent some time thinking about the implications of a heavily skewed sex ratio, and it's a much more interesting piece because of it.
oooh, that does sound interesting thanks for the tip!
Apr 23, 2018
WN reader here, this manga is just bait. Nothing happens over 50 - 60 chapters in.

We literally just don't get anything at all, with protag being obvious to everything.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
I'm surprised marriage even exists in this setting. With a 1:9 ratio, if women don't share their men, humans would just go extinct. Unless pregnancy somehow lasts for a few days at most. Not sure any woman would like to go through that every week though
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018
I'm surprised marriage even exists in this setting. With a 1:9 ratio, if women don't share their men, humans would just go extinct. Unless pregnancy somehow lasts for a few days at most. Not sure any woman would like to go through that every week though
It's probably why they just got done with a war in the first place. You're right in that if they don't share what few men they have, they'll practically go extinct. So it's very likely that this war was probably triggered by one kingdom raiding the other for men.

That said, the aristocracy will only want the "prettiest" men they can find. And all the ugly bastards will get relegated to the common folk, who will be more likely to share because what other choice do they have? But any commoner males that are born "pretty" will very likely be snapped up like a tasty snack by an aristocrat, thus keeping the aristocratic genepool relatively fresh.
Mar 21, 2020
Why are you debate over the logic of gender ratio in a fictional story? The author don't need to study philosophy or social construct to write. And here I am, wondering why the first princess have pointy ear like an elf if there's not elf in this world.

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