I hope this monster is not a stepping stone for Fran to level up faster and become too OP.
It will be great if the author just making them get the experience of how vast the world is and so many creature that near impossible to stand with right after they beat something so strong like the lich in floating labyrinth.
So wait, why is the manga using midgardsormen when the LN uses midgardsormr? I mean it's all the same thing in the end, but you know, semantics and all.
Hope he just flies through all the hearts. Why bother trying to proc instant death when you can just cut straight to the heart of the matter? Also, Fran is still best daughter.
There is another sea monster, Leviathan, that is so awesome there is only one of it. It mostly eats these Midgard worms. Apparently, high regeneration means a single Midgard worm can last a long time.
It's sad this manga is so bad lately, let Fran fight, no one wants to see some sword flying around, and i hope this doesn't end as another deus ex machina situation