>Hey, let's pretend to raise the daughter of an all powerful mage, take his money, and abuse the hell out of her.
>Oh, and when she asks, we'll teach her where her real father lives and let her leave because she's a pain. What could go wrong?
Also, unless the restrictions placed on him we're done so by his dead wife or his own insecurities (he's not much of a people person and it's possible he thought that her best chance was elsewhere), this is going to cause some serious problems for Papa.
Thanks for the chapter, I'm really interessed in where the story will go, who her mother really is and so on, really looking forward to the next chapter )
I agree with you, @encrypted12345 xD
the story is somewhat lacking with the characters thinking properly 😅
@ninekuku, I guess some spell preventing him to go see her.
When I remember right, he did say: "I couldn't go to find her, if she didn't come to find me first."