The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2018
@Serverclosed well yes and no, is different to the WebNovel, because the manga is based off the LN instead, which is the one that did these changes in the first place lol
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
Page 420: anise was having what you might call "a bad fur day."

She'd make the best Conker
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2018
It's really simple. The prince never got attention when he was a kid because his sister was always more flashy. Now the prince has grown into a whiny brat who will do anything to gain attention, even stupid things like condemn an innocent girl in the middle of a party and almost start a civil war. He doesn't care if he gets good attention or bad attention (I'm not actually sure he's capable of knowing the difference), he just wants all eyes on him.

@Lioslin: Assuming the WN still holds true for this story,
the baron's daughter is actually just a terrified innocent pawn. She's part monster, and has an uncontrollable charm power that transforms males into yanderes for her. She doesn't want to do that, but she can't stop it. She hasn't spoken up, because she's terrified of what they might do to her if she does. As for the prince, he's actually NOT under the influence of the charm: he wants to murder her and steal her magic stone so that he can use her charm power to make everyone love him.
Active member
Aug 9, 2020
I will not blame Anise for following what her heart desires though. Sure, Anise is selfish for following her desires but we all are when it comes to what we want, so yeah,I understand Algard but I dont feel sorry for him, he just chose to play the victim card, besides, should he had reach out to her sister, maybe they hadnt burned that bridge. Looks like he's gonna be in the wrong way in this.

Im currently reading the web novel and the flow of the story is kinda different on this adaptation so yep, let's see.
Thank for the update.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018

Believe me, I know. The internet has made it far too easy for people to turn off their critical thinking skills and blindly hate someone or something based on shallow appearances. It's simple and convenient to think the absolute worst of people, that's why manipulating others doesn't require much effort nowadays. They do almost all the work themselves.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2018
@Madcat6204 well about the spoiler, it still should be the same, since that is part of the whole plot for the LN vol.2 as the manga is following the LN instead of the WN
from getting backstory for her and her family, more fleshed out characters, to Anne Sophia getting to know the brother plans, confronting him and fighting him during the volume

@yuzhyuzh and yep, the flow of the story is different, because the LN exist, tho the WN is still a ok read even after all the changes done in the LN and in consequence the manga
Active member
Aug 9, 2020
@tseng wuut? LN of this exist? Are those the links from the description? If not,can i have the link,pls? Is it just in Japanese lang?
ive been trying to look for the LN but I couldnt find any,just the WN.
Aggregator gang
Feb 23, 2020
Lmao little bitch got the crown and magic just for existing and he still pouts.
Jun 8, 2020
@CrishNime bruh you...I wonder what the like of you will do after you learn the truth...girl get a slight screen time, no POV of her yet, no character description, and someone already called her a B1tch, huh smh
Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2018
@yuzhyuzh yes, it exist, but is not getting translated, so is still in japanese, otherwise it would be great so more people can actually see the changes done in the LN and manga compared to the WN (saying it as someone that have and read the LN in jp)
Mar 14, 2019
Holy fuck that is a twist. I would never have guessed that. The "heroine charm powers" was already kinda obvious and a pretty common trope, but her not using that power maliciously was unexpected and the prince being both immune and trying to kill her for the power is something I haven't seen before.

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