The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Vol. 6 Ch. 36

Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2018
He says with all the emotion of the angriest twitter user no one is forcing you to read this manga or go to the forums specifically the very last page of the forum.

Take your emotional baggage elsewhere like a therapist.
Ok? What’s the point youre trying to make her because either you can’t read or your projecting something that just isn’t there. It really seems like you only have a basic level of understanding of things and just blurt out whatever you think fits even when it doesn’t. Nothing i said was even reminiscent of Twitter. Plus I can read mediocre manga and still enjoy it if I want to. Not everything I read needs to be a work of art but I’m also aware enough to realize that what I’m reading is filled with all sorts of flaws and is not always going to imitate real life. Something you seem to be struggling with along side your clear anger issues. But hey maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you don’t have any issues that don’t need therapy. If you’re capable of taking the high road and ignoring everything I’m saying then you’ll definitely prove me wrong but let’s see if you can actually do that.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Ok? What’s the point youre trying to make her because either you can’t read or your projecting something that just isn’t there. It really seems like you only have a basic level of understanding of things and just blurt out whatever you think fits even when it doesn’t. Nothing i said was even reminiscent of Twitter. Plus I can read mediocre manga and still enjoy it if I want to. Not everything I read needs to be a work of art but I’m also aware enough to realize that what I’m reading is filled with all sorts of flaws and is not always going to imitate real life. Something you seem to be struggling with along side your clear anger issues. But hey maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you don’t have any issues that don’t need therapy. If you’re capable of taking the high road and ignoring everything I’m saying then you’ll definitely prove me wrong but let’s see if you can actually do that.
I was comparing you to the Average twitter user Angry as I said.

Your also claiming I lack understanding when you could not even parse that out so I needed to explain it to you.

Take the L and go home.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2018
I was comparing you to the Average twitter user Angry as I said.

Your also claiming I lack understanding when you could not even parse that out so I needed to explain it to you.

Take the L and go home.
Sorry but that L is yours. I’m not the one having some huge pointless argument about history in the comment section of a manga about lesbians and magic. Also you proved me right simply by responding. Congratulations. Take your L and go home. It’ll do more for you in the long run than your knowledge of history since all you use that knowledge for is to argue pointlessly with people to stroke your own ego.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Sorry but that L is yours. I’m not the one having some huge pointless argument about history in the comment section of a manga about lesbians and magic. Also you proved me right simply by responding. Congratulations. Take your L and go home. It’ll do more for you in the long run than your knowledge of history since all you use that knowledge for is to argue pointlessly with people to stroke your own ego.
OH no I replied THE WORST CRIME.Then why are you responding.

Either you believe replying to me is a waste of time and only losers reply.
Or your again talking out your asshole.

Must be REALLY bad if you need to feel validated simply because someone replied to you.
Yeah clearly it's for my own ego and not something i had to spend years learning because I'm a paid historian and no one would ever want to correct someone who is lying about historical fact just because it's on the internet what's your job the fry cook at wendy's?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2018
OH no I replied THE WORST CRIME.Then why are you responding.

Either you believe replying to me is a waste of time and only losers reply.
Or your again talking out your asshole.

Must be REALLY bad if you need to feel validated simply because someone replied to you.
Yeah clearly it's for my own ego and not something i had to spend years learning because I'm a paid historian and no one would ever want to correct someone who is lying about historical fact just because it's on the internet what's your job the fry cook at wendy's?
Nope programming. So something that a Wikipedia page can’t do.
Jun 28, 2019
I was focusing on that more because for me I feel the whole "oh hey you were in a bad situation and you tried to kill your family, but that's ok now, we forgive you immediately" is more unrealistic.
Also, my uncle was a bit similar to this idiotic prince (jealous of sibling, was in an uncomfortable position because of family issue and nearly killed his family bc he was at breaking point + he was drunk so wasn't entirely in control of himself). And like I said, it's been years but the relationship is still tense.

Laine forgiving him right away is also freaking insane tbh, but it seems secondary to what I just talked about.
Maybe the culture plays a part? For me it's not that unrealistic, an uncle (from my dad's side) bring an axe, nearly destroy my mom's door, stopped ( a mistake, my mom isn't the target), and well, while I'm wary of him ever being drunk & mad again, my family kinda instantly forgive him.
Kinda wary of him but not from forcing forgiveness.

Another siblings I know from Church, both take kitchen knife to kill each other when their argument escalate, and like maybe in 1 year they tell that story to people and laugh together about it.

It is anecdotal, but so is your story, and I don't think we can compare which one is more common. Ofc, I'm aware of families that do have problems with each other, and not forgiving. Actually, in my family it seems that disagreement about money is more often the culprit of estrangement than violence.

If you think it's weird/weak/tolerating violence etc., I could also view your stance as too unforgiving/stubborn etc.

All of this instances, the conflict died down after the fight and have never happened again until now. I understand if the person didn't seem to repent and regret at all that it's dangerous and better to keep distance.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2018
Why's it so hard for people to understand that Anis forgives her brother because it's her baby brother and she feels responsible? Jesus fucking christ people
Insane that we've reached the point where clemency to enemies is considered a character flaw
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
Parents washed their hands rather unscarred, albeit they understood a bit they were so goddamn wrong to at least cry about it.

Anis finally figured out she too pushed Al to greater evil, got guilt trip.

Al got off too easily, sure he got banished and probably will face "expermints" but what happened to good ol' depths of a dungeon? This way at least they can keep a close eye on his actions.

Welp, see you guys in few months.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
It has been 3 months and nearly 1 year since the anime ended. I wonder if the group Chibi Multiverse dropped the series.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
All the “discussion” aside.
IG from information we got, Prince didn’t cause the problem himself only, but more or less sometimes begin from the Ministry of Magic Family (those glasses dad and son) (likely trying to use the Heroine vampire girl to manipulate prince into helping) .
It’s just the broken prince decide to go along with the scheme.
Honestly in the end it’s just sad story.
At least the Magic Court Family who started the problem got purged
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
People are confused about him saying she had no charm. To be honest she seems like she was always gay as hell, so to him it probably seemed that her only standing point was she was someone with a stick up their ass.
I don't think she's even gay  now (confused and definitely attached to Anis, but not really  attracted to her). She was simply stuck playing the role of perfect fiancé to the prince earlier, so yeah, in the official functions they would've had to attend she was probably in maximum nobility mode (also consider the fact that he was mediocre at studies/magic while she was a super prodigy, so his innate jealousy would've played a part as well). No surprise he found her lacking in charm.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2020
I had paused reading the manga for a long time, (I still watched the anime when it aired), but getting back to it now really felt weird, I didn't remember the prince being such an asshole in the whole incident and aftermath.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
are you guys still talking about this?

dude was judged, by biased people but still, that while his goal was acceptable his means to reach it were not.

thus he was banished not just to the edge of the country, but will also be experimented on.
Said experiments are to turn a vampire back into human, something that may take decades if even has a solution, because he did so to himself. meaning for as long as the solution is not found he will be experimented on constantly or escaping - and he did not seem like he wished to run away from it.

some of you guys are looking into it more about your personal traumas than objectively.

also if he ever return, he will either have a cure on hand - so probably either at the end or during a vampire attack - or if shit hits the fan.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
so... nearly killing two people and all he got was a slap on the wrist?

If Anis wasn't the MC with plot armor, this could have turned bad for the whole world, considering that the brother was fucking OP and could have become a tyrant with no one stopping him.

edit: a few people think that I want him to die/be executed, so I would like to correct that. I don't need for the prince to die, all I'm asking is for people to hate him a bit longer (and maybe for him to face corporal punishment/torture, since he's immortal now y'know?), as he rightfully deserved.

I just hate the Japanese trope of MC (and other characters) forgiving people so easily, it's overdone and cheapen all the emotions/logic that the story has built up until now.
So it's been many many moons, but I've just gotten to this chapter and have been reading through the comment section and gotten kinda frustrated over some of the responses to your reply.

First off, you're right. You talk later about your own situation (I don't think people got that's just an example and not projecting) and yeah in reality there would be so many complex raw emotions here and there just aren't. It's just vague forgiveness and that's so frustrating to see. The MC suppressing and blaming themselves is in character, but everyone else is just kinda doing stuff. The mother blaming herself is an interesting note, but that shouldn't be all she is feeling. Where's the rage over the duaghter she nearly lost in the ordeal? The disappointment in the son who'd commit this? The sorrow in realizing she has to part from him? That's what is really frustrating about this conclusion (and so many in similar Japanese writing) there's no actual conflict to it. Humans are a MESS of contradictory emotions we can barely control and always have to countend me. This is a heavily complex situation the affected parties are going through yet it's written so one note. The king's dialogue here feels so monologue and he just seems vaguely disappointed in his relationship with his son (it doesn't really feel like he's reacting to all the awfulness he's done or putting his sister in danger (ya know like trying to kill her)).

Another big problem with this chapter is we're given no time to dwell on even the rudimentary one note emotions shown. It's like we're watching a slide show of still images moving from one shallow vague forgiveness scene to the next. It's just bad writing plain and simple. I don't know why people acting like it's fiction changes that and it's an insult of fantasy as a genre to suggest it's incapable of even trying to capture the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and interactions.

Adding on to that, I'd definitely say the description of the punishment isn't the problem. It really doesn't matter whether he'd have been executed or is whisked off to "the border and banished". What's happening here is that the author clearly doesn't want to deal with the character anymore and is just writing them ASAP. Again the problem is that we're not given any time to dwell on the complexities of the situation or emotions that would come from family members. He just kinda disappears. I actually think the punishment is "fine" (him being put to good use to solve his mess), but the problem I have is I don't really care. It's the equalivalent of a villian destroying an orphanage to prove they're "evil" vs stabbing a main character in their back and then giving us time to experience how awful that character feels having both lost someone they saw as a friend and being hurt by the betrayal and being in physical pain (which might even have long term consequences). Take Avatar the Last Airbender for example. Zuko's choice to betray Iroh and Katara in Ba Sing Se never went away and held consequences up until the end of the show. And he didn't even do anything really bad; he just helped Azula. But Iroh refused to speak to him and we didn't get them reconnecting until the finale (during which Zuko was so anxious and scared and disappointed in his past self). Katara who once was most willing to give Zuko a chance became his biggest obstacle when he tried to join the gang. She even called the line of thinking that Zuko wasn't as bad as the rest of his family excusing his actions. Again that's just good writing when a character who wasn't all that bad made a very understandable mistake when offered everything he thought he always wanted. The prince he made far FAR worse decisions and directly endangered and tried to kill and did harm more people and no one seems to really care that much. Not even the prince himself. He's just kinda "whoops. Yh. My B. I deserve whatever punishment." it's not good writing for everyone to "come to terms" with the situation when that's just not how humans would respond here. Certainly not everyone. Again there are hints of the more raw emotions and complex feelings you'd expect here, but it overall just comes across so shallow and still.

I've seen comments of the family and friends sympathizing and lmao no. Yes, it's possible they feel sorry for him and for the parents for example this is still their son so they will of course care. Like I said the mom blaming herself for not raising him right is kinda realistic, but it needs to be accompanied by more. Because at the end of the day the person they sympathize with still put their precious other daughter in danger and their kingdom and the prime ministers daughter (who was also in the room just kinda apologizing... wtf) and so on. Feeling sorry for the Prince facing consequences for his actions isn't the only emotion that comes through here. There's this really great play called Rabit Hole where a teen driver kills a child that jumped into the street. He wasn't drunk or doing anything particularly wrong. It's just an accident with awful consequences and what follows is a complex string of emotions. You don't just "get over" your daughter having been in great mortal danger. You don't just forget about that in the face of punishing your son who caused that even if the punishment is harsh and means never seeing him again (though they never really specified if his banishment meant seclusion as in visitors being prohibited).

That's all to say this was just bad. I mean if, as comments say, this is better than the LN and anime then yikes. It really just felt like the author couldn't be bothered and wanted to get this over with. Which is frankly insulting to my time as a reader (though I guess at least he didn't draw this out AND keep it on shallow vague forgiveness which is also unfortunately common).

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