GOD the complexity of these characters.....we love to see the way that Anne-Sophia’s father sees through her airhead player schtick, we love to see him be both perceptive of his children’s emotions, a good king, and a feasible person who doesn’t always get stuff right with his kids despite wanting the best for them.......I don’t even necessarily like Algard, still, but it’s so humanizing to see why he’s the way he is and that he’s not just a one dimensional romantic foil for the heroines’ love story.....
And bottom line I LOVE Anne-Sophia, she’s just not a character I feel like women in media are allowed to be a lot; she’s both chaotic, and gay, not just a predatory lesbian trope, and she still gets to have this kind of Bruce-Wayne-is-a-mask-to-protect-those-around-him character trait bc she wants to avoid political turmoil for both her and her family’s sakes, therefore PORTRAYING herself as a trope of a person.....oughh