Palm hyperhydrosis seriously got in the way of my love for both drawing and writing, but I never noticed that it was an issue until I got it checked in high school since any problem with hand stability could be a symptom of a heart disease. That's where I heard of the name for the disorder the first time.
I ended up talking about it a lot to the people around me as a primer, and thankfully nobody reacted with disgust. Since middle school, I've been using an extra sheet of tissue to pad my hand from the paper I write or draw on because my sweat got in the way of an exam once. I haven't had much problem with it otherwise, but it feels good to see it explored and represented in manga.
I also found that alcohol handwash helped with keeping the symptoms at bay for a good amount of time, so while washing frequently is bad for the skin, I try to do it at least once a day before starting my activities.