The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
No, they'd still be anomalous, it just wouldn't be voter fraud necessarily if there's a delay in counting, but that still doesn't necessarily exclude the possibility of fraud. (Anamlous just means it's not what we would expect to see from the pattern of data we have)

I'd also be curious if that law will be challenged or not about the ballots that return after election day, given that definitely seems open to abuse if nothing else. That's probably going to be part of the Supreme Court case I'd bet.

Not quite sure what you're asking on that last one there, but I'm tired so I may just be dumb

As for the rest of it:

Here's the thing about human psychology: it doesn't matter if you report anonymously. If you feel like you could be in danger reporting your beliefs, or that there's the possibility of danger if you publicity express your opinion to others that you may ruin any connection you have. It's a natural reaction as people want to avoid conflict and so even in privacy they may keep to themselves or not report their beliefs honestly because they may think it reflects badly on them. Considering that Trump has been demonized in the media, it's no wonder some people may not report their beliefs honestly about their support for him or not. This is the issue with self-reporting, because you will get answers from people about what they think makes them look good, regardless of whether it does or not.

He didn't clear out the square for just because of a seminar. The protesters actively lit a fire in St John's Episcopal Church on May 31st, which is a historical site and is very close to the White House. They told the protesters to disband because they were no longer peacefully protesting. Trump only had the photoshot a day or so after all of this. He did not order the officers nor did he command them. It

If you set fires to historical landmarks and refuse to disband when the National Guard tell you to after they warn you that they are required to use force, then you only have yourself to blame.

Additionally, I think what Trump's doing is probably more akin to the hyperbole well-known with New Yorkers mixed with a bit of trying to make it seem like the end is just around the corner, which is typically what politicans will do in hard times or when there's bad things happening. It's about group psychology and making people believe there's hope so they don't wallow in despair. It's also a bit of hindsight bias, because before the lockdown most people thought it was overblown, and to be frank, it might still be depending on how different countries like Seweden, who didn't have lockdowns, are affected. Epidemology isn't a perfect predictor of the future, really, and is always liable to change with new information, as all good science is, however, that makes it difficult to legislate for given how slow the machine of government is.

You can't really compare COVID with a very low fatality rate and high recovery rate to the Vietnam War because one is a directly controllable response by which the war directly scarred a generation and traumatized America. It was lost in their living rooms, so to say, because the brutality and ruthlessness of the atrocities and terror commited was so disproportion to the heretofore post-WWII jingoism of the Americans, hence the large cultural impact, disdain towards foreign wars, and high voter turn out.

You can pull a country out of war a lot easier than you can pull a country of a disease, because disease isn't something humans can really control, as much as they might like to. See my comments about Albert Camus for more on that, but yeah, I don't think COVID is going to be something most people consider on parr with one of the most traumatizing wars in human history. If we compare raw numbers, we can say cancer and the common cold definitely killed more people in totality, but it's not something that's constantly in human psychology because it's not in their faces, and whereas COVID is at the moment, I doubt that most people think we can ever really control it.

No, I did not make the spreadsheet. It's been going around on social media, though different parts of the country consider different places "bellwether" counties. Some consider the entire state of Ohio a "bellwether." The idea is that they're a microcosm of the larger forces of the nation at large. Not that it helps much, if anything, the rate would be lower if Wikipedia is anything to go off of.

Mar 19, 2019
I don’t get why American politicians are so shameless. And why Americans still support them.
It seems to me their politicians don’t even try to hide they are awful people. And it’s not like because American journalists are doing their job and reporting honestly. I still remember when all newspapers call Snowden a traitor.
Mar 19, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
> portraying Donald as a grizzled war veteran

> Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times, but it wasn't uncommon for young men from influential families to do so during the Vietnam War
The 22-year-old — who was 6 feet 2 inches tall and an athlete — had already avoided the military draft four times in order to complete his college education.

But that spring, as he was set to graduate, he received a diagnosis that landed him a fifth draft deferment that would once again keep him out of Vietnam: bone spurs.

President Trump sat out the war and instead went on to join his father in business. The New York Times reported that the president, as a young man, said his "heel spurs," which are protrusions caused by calcium buildup on the heel bone, made him unfit for service.
"One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest income level of America," McCain said in an interview. "And the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur. That is wrong. That is wrong. If we’re going to ask every American to serve, every American should serve."
Apr 23, 2018
Man, years ago I wanted people to take politics a bit more seriously and engage with them, but I did not meant in the way to become an "ultra". I only see people supporting their "favourite party" as if they were cheering for their football team. It's quite horrifying to see so many people brainlessly defending politicians as if they were their best friends and would never do anything wrong, this applies to every possible ideology in every country, it's not exclusive to anyone. And it's pretty much happening to every single country, what a mess.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
David Crocker, a member of the ARPANET research community, writing in the Post, said, "The reports incorrectly credited [EMAIL's] author, a 14-year-old in the late 1970s, as the 'inventor' of email, long after it had become an established service on the ARPANET." Another computer historian, Marc Weber, a curator at the Computer History Museum, said that by 1978, "nearly all the features we're familiar with today had appeared on one system or another over the previous dozen years", including emoticons, mailing lists, flame wars, and spam mail.

After the controversy unfolded, MIT disassociated itself from Ayyadurai's EMAIL Lab and funding was dropped. MIT also revoked Ayyadurai's contract to lecture at the bioengineering department.

During the COVID-19 pandemic Ayyadurai used social media to spread various conspiracy theories and misinformation about the pandemic. In January 2020 he claimed that the coronavirus was patented by the Pirbright Institute, but the patent he referenced relates to avian coronavirus, which infects birds, not SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the pandemic.[50] Ayyadurai defined COVID-19 as "an overactive dysfunctional immune system that overreacts and that's what causes damage to the body", and claimed that vitamin C could be used to treat it.

He alleged that the coronavirus was spread by the "deep state" and accused Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, of being a "Deep State Plant". Ayyadurai called for Fauci to be fired and his supporters lobbied for Fauci to be replaced by Ayyadurai.

In March 2020 he published an open letter to president Donald Trump where he wrote that a national lockdown was unnecessary and advocated that large doses of vitamins could prevent and cure the disease. In April 2020, Politico and Vanity Fair reported that QAnon supporter DeAnna Lorraine recommended that Shiva be included in coronavirus discussions at Donald Trump's White House.

Can't wait 🙂
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2019

This, along with recent statements by Canada's deputy prime minister make me wonder if other nations are not trying to build a case to "intervene" in the name of "justice" much like how we have intervened in countries where "democracy is threatened" before.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
> portraying Donald as a grizzled war veteran

Well considering he's been bombarded from all sides by the media, Dems, activists, establishment swamp creatures, and never Trumpers, since the moment he started to speak out against the BO, Socialism, Globalism, and in favor of American nationalism, he is a battle hardened warrior that had the audacity to stand up and speak out for the American citizens that have been forgotten, treated with contempt, and deemed deplorable by the race baiting, entitled, elitist, "do as I say not as I do" uber ancient professional political and destined to rule class in Wash DICK nation!

And now that they seem to have toppled him and put one of their puppets back in power they will either ignore us again, or make life hell for us because we dared to oppose their undeniable, and heaven ordained right to rule! While the useful sheeple get a few perks for their loyalty, and naivety.

Jan 19, 2018
"there was no fraud, there is no evidence of fraud, and it is good that America is uniting and returning to normal." And this is also the only information that's being broadcasted to the whole world

I don't think the average people in other countries really care about the details of the election. They just see "oh, so someone won" and just move on.

@Kanami-chan @Mr_Detective got to disagree. The whole world is broadcasting about fraud. Here are some examples:
- Deutsche Welle in English and in German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- Russia Today in English and in Russian Pervyy Kanal

Edit: formatting lol
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2018
Wow, we've got a lot of sudden /b/ immigrants.
Funny seeing greentext quoting when literal quoting feature is a thing
Jan 19, 2018
@Archomp you talking about me...? I just came from a different website when posting and there > is used for quoting and I usually don't use the toolbar here and type the code instead, so kind of forgot that I have to use
[ quote ]
xD. But that's easy to fix.

And.. what are /b/ immigrants....?
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@Nako I meant your normal average folks won't care. Some news stations will broadcast and talk about US election, but I doubt a common person will pay much attention to the details or do much research, except for some who are really invested in foreign/American politics for some reason.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2018
And.. what are /b/ immigrants....?
Quite literally, People from from /b/, or other shitty board, that goes to other boards and wherever else on the internet. They can be seen from the way they spout the worse of 4chan fucking lingos, even moreso if they're dilating.
I am calling them immigrants because they fucking are.

If only we can revoke their internet rights and quarantine 'em up inside Wizardchan...
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