Damn, it looks like I owe sawaragi an apology. I
did say though that the mastermind probably had connections to law enforcement, and the second I heard tenji’s dad was a prosecutor I added him to the list. Wasn’t expecting the mastermind to be outed this quickly though.
Hello i see some man bashing going on hear but dont wory i have no intention of attacking any one for being not a virgin our being a virgin simply wish to try to explain from my point of view.
From what i understand its not that big of deal if your not a virgin its simply the question that follows.
1. Why did the person loose there virginity,love,money,fun or a service was being provided in exchange.
2. Can i trust the person.
3. Since this person has more experience then me can i satisfy them am i not inferior to them and if i ask them to teach me how to satisfy them does that not mean im even less since i cant figure it out myself.
4. Can such a relationship last and if so how long and how much pain im i in for along the way.
There are more questions that follow but based on what iv learned from talking to both man and women about the subject these are concerns they both share.
I know full well every thing on the internet should be taken with a grain of salt but i do understand the need to coment.
Question 1 is none of your business. Question 2 has no relationship to their virginity, unless they explicitly lied about it, and even then given the stigma it’s worth hearing them out. Question 3 is an understandable worry,
especially if they have little or no experience themselves, but should be talked out with their prospective partner. Question 4 should
also have no relationship with the state of their virginity. Hope that helps.