Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Just started reading this and have a question about something. Did all the people in Zesuya died?
All except the 4 or so demi-humans and apparently the entire thief group was 80% of the population or something

It's anime magic it's pretty normal
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2018
I want to get back to Makoto's story soon and I hate this new male character his powers are so unfair though I still don't think he could beat Makoto
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2018
Since I am currently only reading the manga, what kind of atrocities has this Tomoki guy done to the point of being renamed "Trashmoki" ?

Trashmoki is building an harem by brainwashing girls. Plus he is very haughty and tried to enslave Tomoe

For Hibiki
She is the worst of the lot. First, she is highly manipulative. Plus, it's the poisonous flower kind: you don't know you are manipulated, you think she is righteous. There are other characters that are manipulative, but it's more like a snake: you know beforehand that they are like that. Second, and the most important point, she is fanatic. (Not a religious fanatic). She thinks that everything she does is the only right choice and she never questions herself. People like that are truly dangerous.
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
his ass is going to get stabbed in the back. A bad end would be coming for everyone, if our wild card alternative faction protagonist doesn't have anything to say about it.
Jan 18, 2018
anyone got spoilers to what will happen to the two heroes(especially this f*cker of a guy) or what they will do like trying to enslave tomoe and what happened after he tried?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
His charm eye doesn't work on Tomoe and later on he got his ass handed by Makoto.
I'd say it's one of the most refreshing moments in this series.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018

Yes.. well to an extent. I won’t share them here however.

Let’s just call him a strong “annoyance” to Makoto. Especially th web novel arc around the 280-296 territory... (still going).


Far much to really say. I love a good harem, hell, I don’t even mind “forced slavery harem” stories, but he... well... he’s just the worst.

Keep in mind the “forced slavery” stories I like tend to be more centered around a MC who CARES about those around him...

Most get upset about a party member disappearing... not Tomoki...
Jan 27, 2018
How is the webnovel compared to the manga? I have been thinking of reading it, but keep reading about how dense and useless the MC is, which is something I greatly dislike. In the manga he dosent come of as such, is it something that is coming or is it changed in the manga?
Active member
Mar 9, 2018
the saying of 'Curiosity killed the cat' really works like a wonder... got baited by people who kept saying 'trashmoki' >> i went to read the novel >> and instantly regretting for finishing the shit for 2 days >> totes lost motivation and eagerness to read the manga... f*disshit...

@HavocRL say that line after you read the novel just like i did 3 days ago... and you'll be grateful for this short-'trash'-of-a-chapter...
Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
Are you joking?
I don't feel like it wasted I feel it was nice to actually introduce new heroes and that was only a few chapters, all right now back on track with our protagonist.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Another goddess sends hero to fantasy world isekai except the people he is sent to secretly hate their goddess and are determined to end their reliance on her. One of the best isekai setups I've seen and its a side story.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Drifter IKR Tomoki's story has a deeper premise and more emotional weight than the main one, why must authors toy with us so.

Does anyone else have similar thoughts while reading stuff? Like, "Wow, this characters origin story has more potential than the main one!" or similar?
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018

You'll love the 'goddess' even more after a point... I won't spoil it but she 'keeps' giving Makoto reasons to hate her more...

And I did LOVE each and every time Makoto and Tomoki 'crossed swords'.


I went to the web novel after being frustrated with the manga, that said, I don't think the web novel is 'that much different' it's just further ahead and has covered more ground than this medium.

That said, and this is myst my own mindspace, while everyone complains about 'weak ass MC whose over powered' keep in mind, we ARE talking about teenagers who are not really that confident in themselves. Look at Tomoki, Makoto wasnt exactly down on himself but he was pretty much pathless before he was summoned.

Now Hibiki on the other hand, she was just plain old bored. Much as some might hate these chapters, THEY ARE a necessity to the story over all.

Makota and Hibiki WILL meet and cross paths sooner than Makota and Tomoki. I just wont say where or how... other than I might already have.

Is it worth reading the web novel? I definately think so. That said, I find I'm in less of a hurry to see the manga scanlated after reading ahead so many arcs.

As for his relationship with Tomoe and co, it does get covered in spots.
Apr 24, 2018
Don't know why people so cross about Hibiki (girl-Hero) just from her side-story. So far she seems like quite a decent person. Sure, she can take a wrong turn along the way, but still.

So far I like her much more then MC right now. Mainly because she isn't such a apathetic log... More believable too, with all her new experiences and thoughts.

I hope she won't be royally screwed and deformed into something disgusting by author's whims later on. A good Heroine (either friend or rival) is always a good thing.

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